Acosta's Go-Bag Exotic Backpack Location in Division 2
Division 2 Acosta’s Go-Bag is a new exotic backpack in the Warlords of New York DLC. The new exotic backpack in The Division 2 has two great talents that can come in really useful. Of course, the one rub is figuring out where to find Acosta’s Go-Bag. Well, if you’re having trouble figuring out how to get the new exotic backpack in the Warlords of New York DLC, then our Acosta’s Go-Bag Exotic Backpack Location in Division 2 guide is the right place for you.

Where to Find Division 2 Warlords of New York Acosta’s Go-Bag Exotic Backpack?
To find Acosta’s Go-Bag exotic backpack in The Division 2 Warlords of New York, you’re going to have to go scavenging. So far, it seems that the backpack can drop from Hyena Chests; specifically, the one in Jefferson’s Trade Center. However, that’s probably not the only one where it can appear, so you might want to open as many Hyena Caches as possible when hunting for it. Check out our Division 2 Hyena Chest Locations guide for more info. There’s also a chance you can find Acosta’s Go-Bag in a Cleaner box. So, yeah, there’s definitely a random element to it.
The talents that the Acosta’s Go-Bag exotic backpack carries with it can be extremely useful. The first one is “One in hand…” It grants you +1 skill tier for 15 seconds whenever you damage an enemy with a grenade. If you’re already at skill tier 6, it then gives you overcharge. The second talent is “Two in the bag,” and it’s a collection of various bonuses. These are +1 Armor Kit Capacity, +3 Grenade Capacity, +25% Ammo Capacity, +10% Repair-skills, and +10% Status Effects (aka bleeding, burning, and other nasties you can inflict on enemies).
Now, The Division being the type of game it is, there are probably other methods to unlock the Acosta’s Go-Bag we are not aware of. Maybe it can appear from other types of crate, or maybe even bosses. If you’ve found another way, please, by all means, tell us in the comments. Just keep it civil down there, people.