Home » Dishonored 2 » Rune Crafting – How does it work | Dishonored 2
Runes are collectible whale bone artifacts in Dishonored 2. Having them allows you to unlock new powers and enhancements, or upgrade the ones you already have.
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You can find them scattered across the world, but if you’re not interested in looking around, you can also craft them. You’ll need some materials, and a particular skill, but you’ll be able to make all the runes you want. In this guide, we’re going to show you how rune crafting works in Dishonored 2.
Dishonored 2 Rune Crafting
First of all, we still don’t know whether Corvo can do this. It can be done with Emily, that’s for sure. The first thing to do is invest into the rune crafting skill. Here’s where to find it:
Open the menu
Go to Powers
Select Bonecharm crafting
The last upgrade is called Rune crafting. That’s the one you need.
You’ll need to invest 9 runes to unlock it, along with its prerequisites. Once you have it, the process is quite simple. Here’s what you need to do in order to craft runes:
Go to the menu
Select the Bonecharm tab
Choose the option on the right – craft Bonecharm
Go all the way to the right, and you’ll see the option to craft Runes
You’ll need raw whale bone to make them. One way to get it is to dismantle unwanted bonecharms. Perhaps you can purchase it somewhere (like at a black market), but for now, this is the only way of obtaining them that we’re aware of.
That’s really all there is to it. We don’t know exactly how much whale bone you’ll be able to gather during your playthrough, and whether it will be enough to upgrade all the abilities you want. Still, it’s a welcome addition to the ones the maps are littered with, and it doesn’t require too much work.