In Dishonored 2, you can craft runes with the Raw Whalebone resources. Runes are decorated pieces of bone that are used to acquire and improve supernatural abilities.
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The more powerful the ability, the more runes it requires. The Outsider claims that the first runes were created centuries ago by an ancient and long gone civilization, saying that many of the runes were found washed up from the river. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to craft runes in Dishonored 2.
Crafting runes in Dishonored 2
First, you must gain access to the crafting menu. Under Powers, in the menu, there is a power called Bonecharm crafting. First you must spend 1 rune to unlock Bonecharm crafting.
This upgrade gives you more control over the bonecharms you craft. Crafting a rune is a special skill that a player can unlock when that skill tree is leveled up.
Be sure to keep an eye out for all the runes and bonecharms in the world, as you will need 9 runes in total to unlock the skill.
Go to the Powers menu
Select bonecharm crafting
After that, you must unlock the Witch crafting skill with 2 runes – that lowers the chance of corruption when crafting bonecharms with 3 or 4 traits. When you unlock that skill, Master Crafting will become available (it gives the player the ability to craft charms with 3 traits without corruption).
Craft Runes is the last skill, the one you’re aiming for. It requires 4 runes to be unlocked, but once you get it you can craft by spending the raw whalebone. You’ll also be able to sacrifice existing Runes to accumulate Raw Whalebone.
Spend a rune to unlock it
Rune crafting is the last skill in the tree
When you unlock the skill, you can go to the Bonecharm option in the menu and select it to get to the rune crafting option.
Go to the Bonecharms Menu
Select Craft a rune option
Congratulations! You can now craft runes by expending a significant amount of raw whalebone, and use them to upgrade your powers and enhancements.