Diablo Immortal Cycle's Turn Chest Rewards

The Diablo Immortal Cycle’s Turn Chest rewards have been causing some trouble for players that have earned them fair and square. Namely, it seems that the rewards just up and disappear. Well, we have some good news if this has happened to you. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get the Cycle’s Turn Chest rewards and what to do if they’re missing.

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diablo immortal cycles turn chest rewards
Diablo Immortal Cycle’s Turn Chest Rewards

How to Get Cycle’s Turn Chest Rewards in Diablo Immortal

To get the Cycle’s Turn Chest rewards in Diablo Immortal, a couple of things need to happen. First of all, you have to be a member of the Shadows faction. Then, the Shadows have to overthrown the Immortals in The Challenge of the Immortal, thereby ending the Cycle of Strife. If and when that happens, talk to The Unspoken in Westmarch and complete the quest called “Overthrow.” This basically resets all of your progress in the Shadows, and you have to start over from the raffle. You do get some boosts and other rewards for your troubles, but that’s besides the point.

What you need to do to get this chest is head to the Hilts Trader in Westmarch. He’ll be selling the Cycle’s Turn Chest for fifty Hilts. It’s a limited-time offer, so go for it as soon as you can.

Diablo Immortal Cycle’s Turn Chest Rewards Missing

If you thing that your Cycle’s Turn Chest rewards are missing in Diablo Immortal, the good news is that they actually probably aren’t. For some reason, the chest opens as soon as you purchase it and sends the rewards straight into your inventory or, worst case scenario, they drop on the ground. You do get a message detailing what you received in the chest, but it’s on the screen for a brief time and easily lost among the general visual noise.

If you’ve just gotten the chest, go into the chat menu and open My Log. You should see a list of what you got in there. Other than that, or taking screenshots of your inventory before and after, there’s no way to check after the fact. That said, don’t worry; you did get your rewards. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. A really poorly thought-out feature.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. J

    Well I was supposed to get a legendary helm today but after purchasing the chest….nothing. it is not in my inventory, i can no longer purchase one from the hilt trader and there is no item in my bags