Diablo 4 Curator Disappeared, Boss Went Missing Bug Fix
Diablo 4 The Curator disappearing bug is rather serious issue players encounter early in the game’s endgame content. The Curator is the main boss of the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon. This is the first Capstone Dungeon in the game, and it is fairly long, needing around 50 minutes to complete. If The Curator is not showing for you, but you hear his audio, here’s what we know about it and a potential fix.

How to Fix Diablo 4 The Curator Disappears Bug in The Cathedral of Light
In the true fashion of Diablo games, beating the campaign in Diablo IV is but the beginning of the journey. The real deal is the never-ending endgame content and grinding for ever-better gear. One of the first types of endgame content you’ll experience is a Capstone Dungeon. The very first one is called the Cathedral of Light. This massive dungeon is set in Kyovashad, within the Fractured Peaks. It will take you around 40 minutes to complete it. It is a rather hard dungeon to beat. And that’s why many players are frustrated that The Curator, the final boss of the Capstone dungeon, randomly disappears.
“Been doing the capstone cathedral of light, The Curator went missing, tried this twice and both almost killing him,” wrote Battle.net user Dementz. “I can hear the audio queues but he isn’t showing up in the arena/map/mini map”. And in the same Reddit thread, dozens of other players reported the same glitch. “We’re having the same issue; the audio is there, but he’s gone and we can’t even exit the dungeon. Can only force quit the game,” wrote Nymira.
Most of the players reported that the bug occurred while they were fighting the boss with companions, but there were no issues with the boss after removing companions. Another solutions is to change world tier in Kyovashad. From Tier 2 change to Tier 1, then back to World Tier 2. After that The Curator boss will not disappear during the fight.
Diablo 4 The Curator Missing Solution
Currently, no one knows what triggers this bug to occur. Apparently, The Curator disappears at the very end of the boss fight, with around 5-10% of Health left. What makes this so frustrating is that it forces you to leave the game and start the whole dungeon again. Nonetheless, there is a potential solution shared by a Battle.net forum user TheDrizzle. Below, we share his solutions unchanged:
- Go in, and when it glitches out, ONE of your party members leaves the game, and EVERYONE ELSE STAYS IN.
- That party member leaves then logs back in and rejoins the party.
- That party member that left then portals BACK to the party.
- That party member doesn’t move after they portal in and JUST STAYS THERE OUTSIDE THE BOSS ENCOUNTER.
- Everyone else leaves the game, logs back in, rejoins that party member that is STILL OUTSIDE THE BOSS ENCOUNTER.
- Everyone starts the boss encounter again, and it lets you kill the boss this time.
Exactly that happened to me. But when I forced quit the game, the Act 1 Campaign quest disappeared from my list, deemed completed. Now I have a problem moving from tier 2 to tier 3 as the game deems that I have not completed Cathedral of Light. Any way to get the Campaign back to re-play and complete it, albeit with your tips this time?
Fix for solo players?
We don’t have any currently for solo players 🙁 But we will keep looking!