Diablo 4 Season 2 Tier List
Huge changes are coming to Diablo 4 Season 2. Recently revealed patch notes explained all of them and the most important things are that vulnerability and crit have been nerfed by becoming additive. Elemental resistances have finally been reworked and are now supposed to now an impact on your build. Armor has also been changed. Uniques have been reworked and generally buffed and there are lots of individual class buffs and nerfs. Oh yeah, and DOTs are a thing now. Odds are good that this might have changed your favorite class build. You might be looking at what to play as a fresh character for Season 2 in Diablo 4 now with all of these changes. So to help you pick the best class to play in D4 S2, we have made this Diablo 4 Season 2 Tier List. In it, we are going to see what the best classes in Diablo 4 Season 2 are now.

Diablo 4 Season 2 Tier List of Best Classes
Things to consider when picking a new class for the D4 Season 2 are what is most important to you as a player during gameplay. Do you want your leveling to Tier 4 to go smooth and fast? Do you prefer end-game content and pushing Nightmare Dungeons to their limit? Or maybe you just want to have fun without all the complicated work and planning. Depending on whether you’re more into casual play, or if you prefer hardcore grinding, this will point you towards the best classes to play in Diablo 4 Season 2. Also, we recommend that you check out the D4 Patch Notes for a complete list of changes. We are going to rank each class according to several important factors. These are: its Leveling, Casual play, and Endgame capabilities.
Diablo 4 Season 2 Best Rogue Builds
Nothing has changed about the Rogue being the fastest class in the game. If you like very fast gameplay style with lots of movement and positioning, then the Rogue will reward you with the best Diablo 4 Season 2 leveling and endgame experience. With the DoT changes, Rogues are even better than before. With the Rogue, you will cut through everything, quickly and across the whole game. You just have to be able to have quick reflexes for maximum efficiency. Twisting Blades is still the best Diablo 4 Rogue Season 2 build, though if you want to experiment, you can always go for the Death Trap build.
- Rogue Leveling – S Tier (Twisting Blades Rogue).
- Rogue Casual – S Tier.
- Rogue Endgame – S Tier.
Diablo 4 Season 2 Best Necromancer Builds
Excellent for speed-leveling, very enjoyable for casual play. Does not need a lot for its leveling builds to come together and to become a powerhouse. Very usable in the endgame after you’ve farmed all the appropriate gear and aspects for the Necromancer. As for the most optimal Diablo 4 Season 2 Necromancer leveling build, you can’t go wrong with the Necro Blood Surge build for the first 50 levels. Many options work here. They buffed minions, so you don’t really need to do anything build-wise for quite a while. That is why the Necro is so casual-friendly. Later on, you’ll have Necro staple builds to do endgame with – such as Corpse Explosion and the Season 1 favorite Infinimist.
- Necromancer Leveling – S Tier (Blood Surge Necro).
- Necromancer Casual – S Tier.
- Necromancer Endgame – A/B Tier.
Diablo 4 Season 2 Best Sorcerer Builds
The Sorcerer suffered greatly in punishing endgame content, due to its poor survivability. Everybody was blaming Elemental Resistances for not working properly. Now that this aspect of the game is being worked on it might be a good time to return to the Sorcerer once again. They are also very casual-friendly and not too hard to build the endgame builds. Right now it does not look like much has changed for Sorcerers, build-wise. They are still as fun to play as they always were. The thing to look forward to is the increase in their survivability. We see it in class changes and we see it in the Elemental Resistances change. This means that endgame will hopefully not be as oppressive on the Sorc as it was. Start with Firewall or Arc Lash (melee) for leveling. Go for the Blizzard build in the endgame for fast clears.
- Sorcerer Leveling – S Tier (Firewall Sorc, Chain Lightning Sorc, or Arc Lash for melee-inclined players).
- Sorcerer Casual – S Tier.
- Sorcerer Endgame – B/A Tier.
Diablo 4 Season 2 Best Druid Builds
The biggest problem with the Druid is that they lost the shockwave on pulverize from Season 1. This means they are back to being very slow at leveling. They are the class that survives the best and are nigh-unkillable. If that is important to you then by all means pick the Druid, its toughness is second to none. Once you bring all the components of their endgame builds, they have some of the best builds in the game. The Rampaging Werebeast got nerfed big time, so it’s time to look at the Stormclaw Druid build for Diablo 4 Season 2 endgame. Class change patch notes and changes to uniques suggest that Boulder/Hurricane druid might become a new thing to experiment with. Also, new vampiric minion skills will be there for druid companions, so this might provide some freshness to its leveling experience.
- Druid Leveling – C Tier.
- Druid Casual – B Tier.
- Druid Endgame – S Tier (Stormclaw, Werewolf Tornado, and Pulverize).
Diablo 4 Season 2 Best Barbarian Builds
The Barbarian leveling experience is still slow and it takes a while for its build to really get going. Whirlwind Barb is finally not the go-to build anymore (after absolutely dominating for 10 years through Diablo 2 and 3). A lot of people are looking at Upheaval for Diablo 4 Barbarian Season 2 build for both leveling and endgame. HotA barb is still viable. And if all this looks like too much work, then you’re of course free to just spin your heart away as a classic Whirlwind Barb.
- Barbarian Leveling – C Tier.
- Barbarian Casual – B Tier.
- Barbarian Endgame – A Tier.