Diablo 4 Keeping the Old Traditions
“Keeping the Old Traditions” is a side quest in Diablo IV. You can do it once you arrive in Desolation’s Reach. The description for the quest is both short and very cryptic. All it says is that you need to “Show the ancient statue you keep the traditions.” But what does this mean and what do you actually need to do here in order to complete this little quest. Luckily, as we’re going to see in this guide, the Diablo 4 Keeping the Old Traditions side quest can be completed very quickly if you know what you need to do here.

Keeping the Old Traditions Diablo 4
Once you get this side quest, it is going to become marked on your map. Go to the spot that the side quest is pointing to. Once you arrive there, you are going to see that there is a statue there. Naturally, this must be the “ancient statue” that the quest description refers to. So now that you have found it, what is it that you have to do here, exactly? Well, like many other side quests in the game, such as, for example, Raising Spirits, Secret of the Spring, and Traveler’s Prayer, just to name a few, the solution here involves using an emote.

Specifically, the Yes Emote. To equip this emote, open up your Emote Wheel. On the PC, this is done by pressing E. Once you are in the Emote Wheel, press Customize and then look for the Yes Emote and equip it. Then, use it in front of this ancient statue. Doing this will cause a chest to appear right next to the statue. Loot this chest to successfully complete the Keeping the Old Traditions side quest in Diablo IV.