How to Farm Midwinter Proofs Fast in Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight
Is there a way to grind Midwinter Proofs quickly for rewards in Diablo 4’s Midwinter Blight event? Well, yes, there is! Diablo IV’s first winter holiday event is here, and it comes stacked with awesome rewards to grab. And while fans mostly agree that the event is well-thought-out and fun, there are also some other elements that are not as pleasant. We are, of course, talking about the grind. In this guide, we explain how to farm Midwinter Proofs fast in Diablo 4’s Midwinter Blight event.

How to Farm Midwinter Proofs Fast in Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight
The Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight event has just kicked off. In the true spirit of the Christmas holiday season, there will be plenty of rewards for players to grab from December 12th to January 2nd, 2024. You can unlock 14 unique cosmetic items during the Midwinter Blight event. These are five backpieces (one for each class), eight weapon skins, and one mount trophy. However, unlocking them will not be an easy task. For that, you will need to destroy a heap of Frigid Husks and slay a lot of the Blightfiends fiends and their monstrous overlord, the Red-Cloaked Horror. A total of 440 Midwinter Proofs are needed to unlock all the rewards. That’s quite a grind if you ask me. However, here’s how to farm Midwinter Proofs fast in the Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight event.
The community has discovered some methods to quicken up the grind. Reddit user HamAndSomeCoffee has shared a piece of handy information. Namely, he states that after you upgrade your Midwinter Tribute to Tier III, nightmare dungeons will start dropping around 50 to 90 Blighted Fragments and 3 to 8 Lost Heirlooms. Apparently, this is not related to the level of the nightmare dungeon. This will drastically improve Midwinter Proofs farming time.
Another strategy to farm Midwinter Proofs fast in the Diablo 4 Midwinter Blight event is to switch only between two events. “I first started off moving around the zone, but eventually settled on bouncing back and forth between two events,” explains Reddit user PKGOThrowaway. “More often than not, the events respawned as the Blighted Revelry (Red-Cloaked Horror) spawn, and I was able to pretty easily get enough currency for a back cosmetic within an hour.” Do you have any strategy? Please share it with us in the comments section!