How to Get Smoldering Ash Diablo 4 Season 1
If you want to know how to get Smoldering Ash in Diablo 4 Season 1, we’re here to help. In this guide, we will explain how you can get your hands on the Smoldering Ashes, because they’re really rare and therefore valuable. To make matters worse, there’s actually only one way to earn the Ashes. Here’s what you need to do.

How to Get Smoldering Ash in Diablo 4 Season 1
As far as we know, the only way to get Smoldering Ash in Season 1 of Diablo 4 is by furthering the battle pass, or season pass. The first thing of Smoldering Ashes you’ll get is at level 8 of the free track of the pass. Your character also has to be level 40, so be ready for the grind. The next Smoldering Ashes unlock at level 18 (and character level 53), then at level 22 (character level 56). There might be more of them; we didn’t scroll through the whole pass to check. The important thing to convey is that you have to complete levels of the battle pass in order to get your hands on the Ashes. There doesn’t seem to be any other method of earning them. If there is another way, let us know in the comments.
So, there you have it, that’s how you get Smoldering Ash (or Smoldering Ashes) in Diablo 4 Season 1. Now we have to talk about what you use them for. Well, you put them in the urns under Seasonal Blessings. These unlock all kinds of bonuses. There are five urns to choose from: Aggression (grants extra XP on monster kills), Bargaining (more Gold from vendor sales), Reclamation (higher chance of rare materials from salvage), Prolonging (all elixirs last longer), and Malignance (increases the chances of a Malignant Hear dropping after completing the campaign). Obviously, the amount of Smoldering Ashes you can earn is harshly limited, so you have to be very careful which urns you’ll put them in. Good luck.