Fury Against Fate Bug Fix Diablo 4
“Fury Against Fate” is a Diablo 4 side quest that takes place in the Dry Steppes. To unlock this quest, you will first need to complete the two preceeding quests in this questchain – “Consumed by Pride” and “Raising Spears”. After that, speak to Ealda at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot, and you will come to an agreement to meet her at the Wasting Hollow. When you arrive to this location, Ealda will ask that you clear out the cannibal feeding ground there. She and her tribsmen are supposed to follow you here. For some players, the problem is that she doesn’t, meaning they can’t complete this quest. If you are also experiencing this issue, then you are no doubt wondering if there is a way to somehow fix the Diablo 4 Fury Against Fate Bug. As we’ll see, there is something you can do about it.

Diablo 4 Fury Against Fate Side Quest Bug Solutions
Now, several players have reported that they managed to get this quest to work correctly in one of several ways. We are going to go over all of them right here. Hopefully, one of them will work for you. The first solution is to immediately exit the cave and leave the game. Then, log back in, re-enter the cave and talk to Ealda there. But this time, wait for her to shout her battlecry and then run with her and the rest of the warriors and have them engage the enemies there first. Doing it like this should cause the next step in the quest to trigger as it should.
Onto the next method. The reason why this bug is happening could be because of the event that is triggering in front of the cave. The solution is either to take care of this before you run into the cave, or to first start the FAF quest and then quickly run to the gate so that you are out of the range of this event. In either case, try both of these to see if they work. And if you have found any other way to fix this bug, please share this with us in the comments.
Nothing working for me tried both need to fix the bugs this is useless
i did what u suggested but then i destroed the barrier and led the guys to her and they joined in
Completing the outside event worked for me. When I went back in the cave, the final portion of the quest was reset and slaying the remainder of the cannibals allowed me to complete it.