Find Lyruk Diablo 4 Scorched Debts
In the Dry Steppes, you will come across a very curious Diablo 4 side quest called “Scorched Debts”. A burned ledger is going to instruct you to go and talk to Andreea at Lakren’s Overlook. She will attack you, but not before mentioning Ked Bardu. When you get there and speak with Stsgi, she will explain that you need to find the location of her brother, Lyruk. He is camping somewhere in the Crown of Fiends. As this is a very large area, it can be quite difficult to find Find Lyruk and complete this Diablo 4 Scorched Debts quest. In order to save you some time from having to run around all over this place looking for him, we are here to tell you exactly where he can be found.

Find Lyruk in the Crown of Fiends Diablo 4 Scorched Debts
This is a pretty big area, so we have marked the precise location where Lyruk is at in our screenshot gallery directly below. Once you arrive to this location, you will find Lyruk sitting in front of a tent. He will tell you that he has found this accursed ledger in an old tomb. After that, he is going to ask you to burn the ledger. There is a campfire a short distance from the tent. Go there and attempt to burn it. Predictably, this won’t work. Lyruk will then have another idea – to summon the demon that is connected to the ledger. To do this, he is going to have to conduct a summoning ritual.
Go to the nearby location marked on your map. Get ready for a tough fight against the ledger’s owner – a poweful demon boss called Orrostus the Debt Collector. Once you have defeated him, this will complete the “Scorched Debts” side quest in Diablo 4.