Find Aneta Diablo 4 The Heretic Side Quest Bug Fix
In our Find Aneta Diablo 4 The Heretic Side Quest Bug Fix guide, we are going to explain what triggers this glitch and, more importantly, how to solve this unpleasant situation. It’s not exactly what I’d call ideal, but it beats locking yourself out of completing the mission. And while we’re at it, we will also show you where the location of Aneta is supposed to appear.

Diablo 4 The Heretic, Find Aneta Bug Fix
The only way to fix the bug in the Find Aneta step in the Diablo 4 The Heretic side quest is to first abandon the quest. Next, change the World Tier so that you’re certain that the whole thing has reset. Switch it right back if you want to, then take the quest again. Now we get to the important part: once you get back to the Find Aneta part, leave your mount behind. Approach the blue search area on foot, and as you explore it, the entrance to the dungeon in which she’s hiding will appear on the map. It’s actually a cave (the Forgotten Cave) whose entrance is just behind a waterfall. Go inside and… well, a lot of stuff will happen. I won’t spoil it.
So, yeah, that’s how you fix the bug in the Diablo 4 The Heretic Find Aneta side quest step. It’s aggravating, to be sure, but at least you’re not permanently locked. I don’t know why this particular part of the mission is so averse to horses, but it is what it is. From here, just follow the quest steps and you should be fine. And if you don’t want to spend too much time looking for the entrance into the Forgotten Cave and the location of Aneta, take a gander at our screenshots below. It is a pretty large search area full of all sorts of monster, so there’s no sense in wasting time. Good luck out there, and if you know of another fix for the bug, let us know in the comments.