Diablo 4 Cross Play & Cross-Platform PC, Xbox, PS5, & PS4
Does Diablo 4 have crossplay and cross-platform between PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PS4? The Diablo 4 is finally here, and Blizzard has confirmed that it will be available on all platforms. However, will Diablo 4 also support crossplay between different platforms? Here’s everything you need to know!

Is Diablo 4 Crossplay and Cross Platform on PC, Xbox, PS5, & PS4?
Let’s not beat around the bush here and cut straight to the chase. And you will absolutely love this news! Yes, it has been confirmed by Blizzard that Diablo 4 will feature full crossplay between all available platforms on day one. This means that if you own the game on, for example, the PS5, you will be able to play seamlessly with other players online who play on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, or a PC. The crossplay is fully supported both between different platforms and different generations. This means that PS4/Xbox One players will be able to play with friends who game on Xbox Series X/S or PS5.
And that’s about all you need to know about this. Diablo 4 will be available across all platforms – PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and PC. Hence, you will be able to play with your friends right from the get-go. You will be able to see people from other platforms in your game world. And you will be able to play co-op with everyone.
Can You Turn Off Diablo 4 Cross Platform
Finally, at the moment, we can not confirm if there will be an option to turn off Diablo 4 crossplay on consoles. Nonetheless, Xbox Series X/S allows you to opt out of cross-platform via the system settings. Hence, even if the game doesn’t have an option, you can still force it to be turned off:
- Boot your console
- Head to Settings > Xbox Privacy (located in account, privacy & online safety)
- Click on View Details and Customize > Communication & Multiplayer
- Select “Block” to turn off cross-network play.