Diablo 4 Cross Progression and Ultimate Edition Explained
How does Diablo 4 cross-progression work? If you own Diablo IV on a PC, can you play it on PlayStation or Xbox consoles? And can you carry over your progress between PC, PlayStation, or Xbox consoles? And what about ultimate edition content, battle pass, unlockables and other stuff? Read on to learn everything you need to know about Diablo 4 cross progression.

Diablo IV Cross Progression and Ultimate Edition Explained
Let’s clear one thing first from the get-go. If you want to play Diablo 4 on several different platforms, you will have to own Diablo 4 on each of these platforms. For example, you have a PC and an Xbox Series X. You will need to buy one copy of the game for the PC and one for the Xbox Series X/S. In Blizzard’s own words: “Cross-Progression does not mean that you can buy a game for one platform and then play it on any platform; you are still required to buy the game for each platform.”
However, the good news is that Diablo 4 cross-progression is fully supported. This means that you will get to keep your progress and collections across all devices and platforms. All your Diablo 4 progress, unlocks, characters, and more, are stored on your Battle.net account. Hence, to activate cross-progression, you’ll need to link your console and Battle.net accounts. Furthermore, you will be able to log in with your PSN and Xbox account on any console and play. It doesn’t need to be the console you own.
Finally, when it comes to content which you will be able to carry over, to put it simply – everything! For example, if you own the Ultimate Edition on PC, you will still need to buy the Standard Edition on PlayStation/Xbox if you want to play there. However, you will keep all of the additional Diablo 4 Ultimate Edition content on that account. The same goes for all other paid and premium content. You don’t need to buy a battle pass twice, or skin bundle, etc. All other DLC-paid content will support cross-progression. The same goes for your characters, story progression, unlocks, and everything else.
It does not say if carry over would include 4 days early access.
If I get ultimate on PC and regular on PS5, am I able to play on PS5 on June 2nd ?
So what ifi buy the tier skips versions on each platform, do they stack? Could I potentially get 20 tier skips from PC, PS5 & XBOX|X