Diablo 4 Collapsed Vault Bug, Unstable Rampart & Ancients Statues Fix
In our Diablo 4 Collapsed Vault Bug, Unstable Rampart & Ancients Statues Fix guide, we are going to give you the solutions to the issues in the Slay Enemies in Unstable Rampart and Return the Ancients Statue to the Pedestal quest steps. First off, we are going to talk about fog wall or invisible wall in the Unstable Rampart, and then we’ll walk you through the process that let us complete the part with the Ancient Statues. Here we go.

Diablo 4 Collapsed Vault, Slay Enemies in Unstable Rampart Bug Fix
The fix for the bug in the Diablo 4 Collapsed Vault Slay Enemies in Unstable Rampart quest step is as simple as it is aggravating. When you get to that step and clear out all the enemies, you’ll eventually come across a door covered in fog that’s supposed to lift, but doesn’t. What you need to do is leave the dungeon and go back in. Rinse and repeat until the game is merciful enough to place you beyond the foggy door. It took us two tries before we managed to get through. And I don’t mean leave the dungeon by trudging back to the entrance, I mean using the Leave Dungeon command in the options, as shown below.

Diablo 4 Return the Ancients Statue to the Pedestal Solution
The solution to the Return the Ancients Statue to the Pedestal quest step bug in Diablo 4 Collapsed Vault is fairly similar to the previous one. Here’s how we solved it. First, we cleared out the entirety of that section of the dungeon. I mean every single mob. Next, we left the dungeon as described above and came back in. Then we picked up the first statue and placed it on the pedestal. We did not try to pick both up at the same time, since that doesn’t seem to work. Only after the first statue was in its place did we go for the second one and put it on its pedestal. The Seething Hivemaster boss finally spawned and we could finish the dungeon.