Devil May Cry Mission 3: Bloodline contains 3 Lost Souls to be collected. Within this mission you can collect two Lost Souls, during your first run-through of the game, while the last one can be collected upon receiving particular weapon or ability from missions that follow mission 2.
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Required ability/weapon: None
First Lost Soul can be found at the start of the mission, attached to the wall, on the left side of the gate.
Road to Kat.
Lost Soul attached to the wall.
Required ability/weapon: Aquila (weapon, unlocked at mission 10)
Second Lost Soul is hidden in a room blocked by blue vines. After receiving Aquila weapon in Mission 10, backtrack to Mission 3 and destroy blue vines. With Angel Lift ability climb up to the room to find the Lost Soul.
Hidden Lost Soul.
Required ability/weapon: Angel Boost (ability, unlocked at mission 3)
The last Lost Soul is on a balcony facing the square. You can reach it after climbing up to the second floor. Use Ophion Angel Lift ability on the green marks on rocks. Once you reach the second green mark rock, jump and use the Angel Boost in order to land on the balcony. This is a tricky part, since you won’t have a clear camera view of the balcony. In case you fall down, just pull yourself on the first rock with the green mark.
A phase when you have opportunity to obtain the next Lost Soul.
You can pull yourself on the first green-mark rock from here, or from the ground.
During the second pull you need to jump on the balcony.