Home » Destiny » Xur Strange Coins Vendor Location October 24th
Guardians, it’s Friday again and we are all waiting for Xur, the Strange Coin vendor, to show up somewhere in the Tower and offer brand new exotic items for sale. You will be able to exchange your Strange Coins or Motes of Light for new exotic gear and weapons from October 24th until October 26th.
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If you still don’t know his arrival and departure time you can check out the table below, or a countdown timer on our site.
Xur Location October 24th
Downstairs to the right of Vanguard vendors. This week he has in stock: Suros Regime auto rifle and Voidfang vestments, Crest of Alpha Lupi, The Armamentarium exotic chest pieces.
He is located right of the vanguard vendors (down the middle from where you spawn at the tower)
White, transparent, circle shows Xur’s location on the map.
Items available in stock
Crest of Alpha Lupi Chest Exotic
Voidfang Vestments for Warlocks
Suros Regime auto rifle
Suros Regime is nice looking with nice specials
Exotic gauntlet engram for those interested
Titans get an exotic chest piece that grants extra grenade
You get an extra grenade and extra ammo for special and heavy weapons with this exotic
i just met him he’s coooooool!
I have to figure out how to get 9 more Strange Coins by this weekend. That Alpha Lupi looks piiiiimp.