Home » Destiny » Destiny Xur Location and items November 28th
Strange coin vendor Xur, the Agent of the Nine, has announced his appearance for this weekend from November 28th until November 30th, 2014, but we still don’t know his spawn location. So tell us, what do you think where will be his new location – in Vanguards room, Speaker area or next to his good friend Crucible vendor?
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Based on our past experience there will be some interesting exotic gear and weapon in his stock like Armamentarium chest armor or brand new Sunbreakers for dear Warlocks …
Xur location November 28th
Xur is in the center before Crucible vendor.
Exotic items
Plan C Fusion rifle , Armamentarium, Crest of alpha lupi, voidfang vestments
Voidfang Vestments – warlock exotic chest piece
Voidfang vestments
Crest of alpha lupi
Crest of alpha lupi titan
Plan C
Plan C
You can check out his arrival and departure time for different zones in the table below.
Is the strange coin vendor still available?
You’ll find him in vanguard room this time