Destiny Valentine's Day Event Announced
In a new blog post, Bungie have announced an upcoming update for Destiny, based around Valentine’s Day. It’s going to be around for a week, and will feature a Crucible event designed to be played in pairs.

The event will be similar in scope to Festival of The Lost, and will start on February 9th.
The Tower will be redecorated to suit the holiday, and will host a party/ritual called Crimson Days. The new 2v2 Crucible mode will be called Crimson Doubles. Here’s what the developers had to say about it:
Iron Banner is also coming back next week, with some cool prizes in store. You’ll be able to play Rift, where you have to hold control of the Spark in order to win. As for the prizes, you’ll get some of the following:

The event will be similar in scope to Festival of The Lost, and will start on February 9th.
It features a special twist, born of new gameplay and mechanics that only battle-tested star-crossed lovers will appreciate. You’ll need a dancing partner – preferably one that compliments your fighting style.The next Weekly Update on the blog is supposed to have more information about it, as well as some tips from senior designer Leif Johansen, the one who was helming the production of this new mode.
Iron Banner is also coming back next week, with some cool prizes in store. You’ll be able to play Rift, where you have to hold control of the Spark in order to win. As for the prizes, you’ll get some of the following:
- Available from Lord Saladin:
- Rank 3: Class Item, PlayStation Class Item
- Rank 4: Chest Piece, Scout Rifle
- Rank 5: Fusion Rifle
- Available as post-game drops:
- Rank 2: Boots
- Rank 3: Chest Piece, PlayStation Helmet, Scout Rifle
- Rank 4: Fusion Rifle