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Ghost Fragments are collectibles in Destiny: The Taken King. They look like your personal Ghost, but they’re broken and well hidden.
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Finding them gives you a little bit of experience and a new Grimoire card for each. In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find Dead Ghosts in The Taken King.
Go to Mars, Phobos, to the Korus Fleetbase. You can pick it up during The Coming War story mission. As you approach the base from your landing point in the Cliffside area, turn right, following the cliff. You’ll come to a platform that looks like a skull – jump and hover near it to snatch the fragment. You won’t be able to climb it, so don’t waste time trying.
This one is also on Mars, Phobos. We picked it up during The Coming War quest. After the elevator crashes in Skyburner Keep, keep going up, until you see a Cabal warrior being sucked into a black hole. Go to where he was, and look to the right. The ghost is under a metal plate on the floor.
This is the last fragment you can pick up on Phobos, Mars, while working on The Coming War quest. When you beat the boss in Skyburner Keep and get to the Aerodrome, jump down to the lower terrace, where the Taken and Cabal are fighting. Turn around and look at the ledge, up and to the right. You’ll have to jump up there to get the barely visible ghost.
This one can be found during the mission Cayde’s Stash, in Old Russia, Earth. As soon as you enter the Devil’s Spire, a group of Taken will spawn and attack you. When you’re done, look up and to the left. You’ll see a box suspended from the ceiling on metal beams. Jump through and onto the beams, and you’ll see the Ghost on the box.
The second ghost fragment in Old Russia, Earth can only be obtained in the Cayde’s Stash mission. It is on the top of the tower. When you exit the elevator in Devil’s Spire, go out and climb to the top. The ghost is on one of the communication poles.
This is the last fragment to be found during Cayde’s Stash, in Old Russia, Earth. After you finish the boss fight in the colony ship, you can look around the room. Scan the walls for a banner with a cargo net full of balls next to it. The fragment will be on the fence beam, right under the banner.
We got this fragment during the Fallen SABER strike, in Old Russia, Earth. When you enter the caves, keep going until you see a door. Jump onto the ledge left of the door – the ghost is hidden behind a rock, so you won’t be able to see it from the path.
This one can also be found during the Fallen SABER strike, which takes place in Old Russia, Earth. While in The Mine, you’ll have to go through a room with moving electric beam traps. Instead of exiting the corridor when you’re supposed to, go all the way to the end. The ghost will be between the two lanes.
You can get this one as well in Old Russia, Earth, while playing the Fallen SABER strike. Right as you enter Bunker War-4, go left and look for a giant window. You’ll see a row of spotlights above it – one of them is broken, and the fragment is behind it. You’ll have to jump up the window, which is slippery, so you’ll have to act fast.
This is the last fragment that can be found in the Fallen SABER strike, in Old Russia, Earth. After you’ve picked up the previous one, right at the entrance to Bunker War-4, you’ll climb a set of stairs, leading into the narrow corridor. You’ll see a vent on your right side shortly after you enter the corridor. Shoot the cover to break it, then crawl inside to find the ghost.
You’ll find this fragment in King’s Watch, a zone in Old Russia, Earth. We got it during The Rulling House quest. When you get to a big room with air ducts and nets filled with balls hanging off the ceiling, you should see a window on the upper floor. Jump through the window (crouch before you reach it), and you’ll see the ghost on the floor.
We got this one while playing The Black Garden quest in Meridian Bay, Mars. As soon as you go through the portal in the Valley of the Kings, you’ll have to jump up a wall to reach a ledge where the ghost is. Equip perks that enhance your jumping.
This one is located beyond the portal in the Valley of Kings in Meridian Bay, Mars. We got it during The Black Garden quest. After you exit the corridors, you’ll find yourself on a cliff with a big round door. There’s a large stone slab opposite the door. Jump on it, and you’ll find the ghost in one of the cracks.
This one can be found in the Playstation exclusive Echo Chamber strike, on Ishtar Sink, Venus. When you enter the boss room, you’ll see pillars of varying sizes all over. Turn right and jump onto the second pillar. The ghost will be sitting on a ledge above you.