Home » Destiny » Destiny Old Russia Dead Ghost Locations Guide
In Old Russia zone on the planet Earth, players can revive 18 Dead Ghosts. Their locations are well hidden usually in dark rooms, bushes or between rocks.
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In the table below you will find short descriptions and screenshots of for all Dead Ghost locations.
If you have The Dark Below content you can collect three additional dead ghosts on the planet Earth. Please take a look at our guide The Dark Below Dead Ghost locations
Ghost Fragment – Darkness Once you land on Earth, look to your left. There is a large depot. Next to it is a small shack, inside which you’ll find the ghost on the ground.
To get to the next Dead ghost location you will have to go from The Steppes sub zone to The Divide. Here’s how you do it. Once you arrive to the landing point for free roam in Old Russia, Earth, you will see a broken down building to your right. Enter it and go all the way through it and you’ll find yourself in the Divide.
Sub Area – The Divide
Ghost Fragment – Earth Once you enter The Divide head forward. In the corner of another building is a large cement tube. Our collectible is inside of it, on the ground.
Sub Area – The Divide
Ghost Fragment – Mysteries If you jump on top of the large cement tube from the previous Dead Ghost location you have a clear sight on another collectible.
Sub Area – The Divide
Ghost Fragment – Cosmodrome Enter the building in eastern Divide. Once you are in the first larger room, look up, bellow the metal platform, close to stairs.
Sub Area – The Divide
Ghost Fragment – Exo Stranger Keep going deeper inside the building. Once you find a passage with larger rusty pipes, keep looking up and you will find another Dead Ghost. Use double jump in order to reach its location.
Sub Area – Mothyards
Ghost Fragment – Fallen Head back to the landing point on Earth. Turn to your left and go in that direction. Ghost is well hidden in grass, inside a trench made of two large concrete walls. Go to the end of the trench, towards two large hatches on the wall. You’ll find the ghost in the grass.
Sub Area – Mothyards
Ghost Fragment – Hunter From the previous point head west. You stumble upon an airplane graveyard. In order to reach the next death ghost fragment location you should use a leaning airplane wing to enter a hidden cave. Defeat a level 7 Captain on your way to the collectible.
Sub Area – Mothyards
Ghost Fragment – Cosmodrome 2 Close to the previous location you can find a gap between rocks that connects Mothyards and Forgotten Shore tonorth. Follow this path and if you are careful enough you can spot another hidden cave. This Dead Ghost is probably the hardest to find on Earth because it is found in a really small gap inside the cave.
Sub Area – Lunar Complex
Ghost Fragment – Darkness 3 Head back to the airplane graveyard. On top of a hill you can find a large building with a huge radar on top of it. This is Lunar Complex. Climb to the first floor, into the first larger dark room. Follow the sidewall to your right once you enter this room. Jump on top of a small metal “platform” found in the corner.
To get to the rest of dead ghost fragments on Earth you will need to reach Skywatch. In order to do so you need to continue from the dark room mentioned in the previous’ ghost location. Look for an exit out of that room, without going to the bottom floor of the room. You’ll end up in a room with a lot of enemies. Kill them and enter a small room next to the one with that large enemy group. That path leads to Skywatch.
Sub Area – Skywatch
Ghost Fragment – The Traveler 3 Once you exit Lunar Complex into Skywatch go to your right, up a flight of stairs. Next to the platform with a helicopter on it is a rather small path – follow it. There is a small cave entrance found on this path. Unfortunately it is guarded by a higher level Hallowed Ogre. I was able to stun this Ogre with my Titan bomb for just enough time to go past him.
Next you need to reach Terrestrial Complex part of the map. There is an easier way to enter Terrestrial Complex from the Forgotten Shore. If you are following this guide though you should be in Skywatch. If you want to avoid loading screens you can take the following path from Skywatch to Terrestrial Complex. Find some higher ground in Skywatch and you should be able to find an entrance into a room with generators. Go through the rooms until you end up in an open area. Past this open area there should be another building. Keep walking through it to reach your destination.
Sub Area – Terrestrial Complex
Ghost Fragment – Jupiter Once you come across a room with two large stone pillars, pay attention to nearby metal lockers. Dead Ghost is found on the ground, inside one of them.
Entrance from Forgotten Shore.
Sub Area – Forgotten Shore
Ghost Fragment – Abilities Next three Dead Ghosts are found really close next to each other. This one is found inside a cabin of a small rusty boat.
Sub Area – Forgotten Shore
Ghost Fragment – Legends 2 Inside a basement of a facility found on higher ground in Forgotten Shore; under metal stairs. Watch out for higher level mobs in this area. They can easily kill you with one shot.
Sub Area – The Grottos
Ghost Fragment – Human Under a small stone bridge that leads to the facility that hides the previous Dead Ghost you can find a path that leads to another area – The Grottos. This is a higher level area. Just as you come across the first pack of mobs, turn left and follow a side path.
Sub Area – The Devils’ Lair
Ghost Fragment – Hunter Next three Dead Ghosts can be found inside The Devils’ Lair Strike (this is a group event you must enter through matchmaking). Once you enter the strike head to a corner of this area (found to your left). Double jump to the dead ghost.
Sub Area – The Devils’ Lair
Ghost Fragment – The Last Word 2 At the part of the strike where you are supposed to defeat three incoming waves of enemies is the next Dead Ghost. It is inside a small room, close to the Mesh Generator you are supposed to defend.
Sub Area – The Devils’ Lair
The final Devils’ Lair Dead Ghost is found in a room next to large tank Devil Walker. Climb to the first floor once you enter.
There’s also a couple in King’s Watch. One is on a ledge near the steps as you make your way to the boss. Another is in that same room as the boss on top of that massive circular thing in the middle of the room. I’m bad with descriptions I’m sorry haha
There’s also a couple in King’s Watch. One is on a ledge near the steps as you make your way to the boss. Another is in that same room as the boss on top of that massive circular thing in the middle of the room. I’m bad with descriptions I’m sorry haha
the Final ghost is on top of the war mind in the Rasputin strike
hey just wondering if you know the location of the dead ghost, ghost fragment: OId Russia??
I actually know of One more that’s isn’t on your location list
Ok if so I agree, where is it?????
why does the guide say there are 18 on Earth but only shows 17?
Because one is bugged and most of the players can’t collect it.
You should post it, even if its bugged. Who knows if someone might find a way of getting it.
why is Hunter #7 and #15? I thought they had unique names
Amazing guide, thank you so much.
On #10, I got a Hallowed Knight, not an ogre. Perhaps randomized Hallowed enemy.
Yes it is I got a knight but my boyfriend three hours early got an ogre it randomizes all the time