Khvostov 7G-0X Exotic Auto Rifle Quest | Destiny Rise of Iron
Khvostov 7G-0X is an exotic auto rifle in Destiny: Rise of Iron. It’s a remake of an older weapon – it’s very similar, but with better stats.
If you want the Year 3 Khvostov, you’ll need to finish a line of side missions. This guide is going to show you how to get Khvostov Exotic auto rifle in Destiny: Rise of Iron, what it looks like and what it does.

How to get Khvostov Exotic Auto Rifle quest
If you’ve got the old version in your vault, all you need to do to get started is dismantle it, then jump straight to step 5. If not, follow the complete guide.- Get a Splicer Intel Relay. Brood Mothers drop them sometimes, so your best bet is to patrol the Plaguelands, killing all yellow Brood enemies.
- Go to The Breach. You’ll find a laser grid at the end of a long courtyard. Use the relay to open it.
- Follow the path outside, and you’ll see a giant Ketch ship. Board it.
- Loot the chest inside the ship. You’ll get a Khvostov 7G Schematic.
- Talk to Shiro-4 at Felwinter Peak. He’ll give you a quest called We Found a Rifle.
- Collect 10 manual pages and 3 khvostov parts. The parts will be marked when you’re near enough, and they’re in scrpited places. As for the manual pages – they drop from enemies. You’ll just have to kill lots of them.
In the open room in Dock 13 In the back of the Refinery On the roof in the middle of the courtyard in Blast - Talk to Shiro-4 and get a mission called A Khvostov Rising. When you kill the boss in this mission, you’ll receive the rifle.