How To Use Three of Coins and farm Exotic Engrams
Among many secrets and new exotic weapons that the latest update The Taken King brought, Destiny players found themselves faced for the first time with a brand new item named Three of Coins. This item is available in Xur Stock at cost of 7 Strange Coins for 5 pieces.
After hours of testing we’ll share with you our conclusions in the guide below.

How to use Three of Coins
- After using 50 coins I got 24 Engrams.
- Even if you do a “double stack” there will be no indication on the screen about that, thus, I believe it’s a complete waste of coins.
- Based on my experience and the description from the weekly update, I can conclude that players should be using one coin per Boss fight.
Xur will also sell a new consumable, the Three of Coins, which gives bosses a chance to drop Exotic Engrams, including Weapon Engrams. These consumables have a cumulative luck effect, so even if one doesn’t net you a drop, the next one has a higher chance to do so.
- Based on the description on the item we can conclude the following: After defeating a boss if you don’t get Exotic Engram use the next Coin, and that will further increase your chance of getting Exotic Engrams from the boss.
Stackable effect that increases the chances the next Ultra you defeat will drop an Exotic Engram
- This continues until you actually get one, and then it starts over.
- You can use Three of Coins on all types of bosses at any difficult level.
- When killing Bosses do it on normal, and avoid enemies with yellow bars, because they might eat the buff. You can also kill all adds first (especially ones with yellow bars), use the coin, then kill the boss.
- Some farming technique: Start the Scourge of Winter mission on its lowest difficulty. Just run, don’t stop to fight anyone. Get to the checkpoint outside his room. Use a coin, snipe boss low, run in and rocket suicide to kill him. If he drops an engram, it’ll still be there. Rinse and repeat.
- I don’t know how long we’ll be able to exploit Three of Coins, because “DeeJ” posted on reddit some interesting respond:
I was just conferring with the Design Team about how Three of Coins is performing in the wild. It is their assessment, and yours as well, given the context of the dialogue here, that the drop rates are too damn high. For now, this will play in your favor…
You earned those coins. Have fun spending them. The Nine may be delighted that you’re blowing them all now.
As always, thanks for being an outstanding source of feedback and awareness. We like you just fine.