How to get Skeleton Key Rewards - Strike Specific Loot
Destiny: Rise of Iron introduced new changes to Strike Rewards. Strike Specific loot is no longer granted as engrams upon defeating the final boss.
They are available through Strike Hoard chests that appear upon activity completion. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get Destiny Skeleton Keys Rewards from Hoard chests and Strike Specific drops.

Players can use a Skeleton Key to open a Strike Hoard in any Strike that contains a unique reward. Players can hold up to 5 keys in their inventory per character. Skeleton Keys may only be earned once per Activity Completion. If a player leaves the Strike activity prior to Activity Completion, they will not be able to earn additional Skeleton Keys until reaching Activity Completion within a Strike Activity.
We would like to thank CptCheesus for Strike Specific Loot list

What are Skeleton Keys?
Skeleton Keys are new items in Destiny: Rise of Iron that allow players to obtain Strike specific loot from Strike Hoard chests. Skeleton Keys are granted upon defeating final bosses in Strike Activities. These items will appear as Legendary Engrams.LATEST GUIDE: Check out our detailed guide Outbreak Prime Exotic Pulse Rifle.
Players can use a Skeleton Key to open a Strike Hoard in any Strike that contains a unique reward. Players can hold up to 5 keys in their inventory per character. Skeleton Keys may only be earned once per Activity Completion. If a player leaves the Strike activity prior to Activity Completion, they will not be able to earn additional Skeleton Keys until reaching Activity Completion within a Strike Activity.
How to Get Skeleton Keys
Players can obtain Skeleton Keys in the following Strike Playlists:- SIVA Crisis
- Heroic SIVA Crisis
- Weekly Vanguard Nightfall
- You’ll get a Skeleton Key for completing both the Kovik’s Sin and None Are Perfect missions given by Shiro-4 at the Iron Temple.
Destiny Skeleton Key Rewards / Loot
Strike Hoards appear in Strike activities once players defeat the final boss. Strike Hoards contain Strike Unique rewards, which may only be accessed if a player holds a Skeleton Key. Upon opening a Strike Hoard, the player will receive one Reprise Class Item or one Artifact. Loot from the Strike Hoard chest will mostly go higher than your current Light Level.Sepiks Perfected Strike Specific Loot
- Devils Dawn (Sniper)
- Sepiks Deposed Bond (Warlock Bond)
The Wretched Eye Strike Specific Loot
- Anathema Cannon Mark (Titan Butt towel)
- Devils Dawn (Sniper)
- Hood of Malok (Hunter Helmet)
Siva Pogoth Strike Specific Loot
- Mongrel Ogres Grasp’s (Hunter Gaunlets)
- Devils Dawn (Sniper)
- Bond of Polarity (Warlock bond)
- Cloak of the Leopard (Hunter Cloak)
- Octopus Cloak (Hunter Cloak)
- Cloak of Trekmor (Hunter Cloak)
- Hood of the Night Sun (Hunter Cloak)
- Mark of the New Sun (Titan Butt towel)
- Mark of Resolve (Titan Butt towel)
- Trained Chaos (Warlock Bond)
- Mystic Drain (Warlock Bond)
- The Unconquerable (Warlock Bond)
- Paradox and Truth (Warlock Bond)
- Cloak of Hidden Agendas (Hunter Cloak)
- Cloak of Atropos (Hunter Cloak)
- Rustworn Cloak (Hunter Cloak)
- Mark of the First Pillar (Titan Butt towel)
Blighted Chalice
- Hood of Malok (Hunter Helmet)
Fallen Saber
- Devouring Maw Helmet (Warlock Helmet)
- Baron’s Ambition (Heavy Machinegun)
The Undying Mind
- Imago Loop (Handcannon)
- Mark of the Undying Mind (Titan Butt towel)
The Dust Palace
- Solar / Void / Arc Flyer Mantle (Hunter Cloak)
- Treads Upon Stars (Scout Rifle)
Cerberus VAE III
- Treads Upon Stars (Scout Rifle)
The Shadow Thief
- Does Not Bow (Assault Rifle)
- Cloak of Taniks (Hunter Cloak)
- Baron’s Ambition
Shield Brothers
- Mau’ual’s Maulers Gauntlets (Titan Gauntlets)
- Treads Upon Stars (Scout Rifle)
The Sunless Cell
- Dark Blade Helm (Titan Helmet)
- Dark Blade’s Spite (Fusion Rifle)
- Grasp of Malok (Pulse Rifle)
- Omnigul Bond (Warlock)
Taken/Normal Archon Priest
- Stolen Will (Shotgun)
Echo Chamber (PS EXCLUSIVE)
- Theosyion Vibrissae Gauntlets (Warlock)
- Imago Loop (Handcannon)
We would like to thank CptCheesus for Strike Specific Loot list
I almost choked on the “Titan Butt Towel” bit…and I wasn’t even eating anything lol.
Cerberus VAE III – Treads Upon Stars and Cloak of Perception (Hunter Cloak)
received Enternal light warlock bond from wretched eye strike key box