Home » Destiny » Destiny guide – How to get Murmur from Eris Morn
In addition to changes that you can see on existing exotic items in the game, the first Destiny expansion introduces a bunch of new legendary and exotic items. The main role in the Dark Below storyline is given to Eris Morn, a new vendor that can be found in the Tower.
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She starts new story missions, bounties and quests that will help you increase your Light and standing with the Crota’s Bane faction. Please check out our guides for more information about – Eris Morn items and Eris Morn list of Bounties
The first legendary weapon that you will get in the new expansion is Legendary Fusion Rifle Murmur. This weapon comes as a reward for completing the following questline given by Eris Morn:
Fist of Crota
The first quest “Fist of Crota” is level 20 quest that sends you on the planet Earth into Cosmodrome.
Description: “Defeat the Fist of Crota leading the Spawn in the Cosmodrome.
Start the quest “Fist of Crota”.
It’s located on the planet Earth.
Siege of the Warmind
The second quest “Siege of the Warmind” also takes place on the Planet Earth. This is a level 25 story mission with an objective – Find Rasputin’s bunker. Defend it against the Hive attack.
The second quest
Quest Map Location.
The Wakening
Description: Go to the Temple of Crota and destroy Crota’s soul.
The third and the final step is level 26 quest “The Wakening” that takes place on the Moon in the Ocean of Storms. After completing it go back to Eris and she will reward you with Murmur.
Take the final step.
“The Wakening” map location.
Murmur Legendary Fusion Rifle
Once you complete the last step go back to Eris and collect your reward Murmur – Fusion Rifle.
Murmur – legendary Fusion Rifle.
Some interesting Murmur upgrades are:
Kneepads (250 Glimmer)- Slide further.
Grenadier (95 Glimmer) – Kills with this weapon reduce the cooldown of your grenade.
Snapshot (95 Glimmer) – Aiming this weapon in incredibly fast.
Lightweight (95 Glimmer) – When held, this weapon grants +2 character Agility.
I completed the questline and just now completed The Wakening. She said Here, take this, but there was nothing to take, and I don’t have a new fusion rifle in my inventory. What gives?
I completed the questline and just now completed The Wakening. She said Here, take this, but there was nothing to take, and I don’t have a new fusion rifle in my inventory. What gives?