Destiny Hotfix Will Aim to Rebalance Crucible
In this week’s update to their official blog, Bungie have discussed the upcoming Hotfix Their aim for this new patch wil be to rebalance Crucible, to make the PvP matches more even-keeled and enjoyable. It’s time for the meta to shift once more, as the designers pursue perfection.

This time, senior designer Josh Hamrick took to the stage and explained in a bit more detail what they’re working on while trying to freshen up the meta. Apparently, Bungie also knows shotguns are too good for their own good. They’re either going to nerf them, or give another type of weapon the push it need in order to stay competitive. Here’s what Hamrick said:
Sandbox and Crucible designers have been investigating and updating the competitive ecosystem, and I am proud to say that we are getting very close. Through experimentation and near daily battles to the (digital) death, we have begun to home in on a set of changes that we believe freshens things up.
Without further ado, I give you our “Fairly Mysterious Overview.”
GOALS:We realize you thirst for facts and details. I hope that these snippets of information will at least tide you over until we can tell you more. Maybe we can even do that live in the near future.
- Promote alternatives and counters to Shotguns
- Align potency of Primary Weapons with surgical changes
- File down a couple of issues from each class
- Fix some issues with a sampler platter of Exotics
- Supporting adjustments to Special Ammunition
They’re going to share more details on a livestream during the first half of February. What we know so far is pretty vague, but leaves us feeling hopeful. The hotfix is scheduled to go live mid-February, if everything goes according to plan. Hopefully it will make Crucible great again.