Destiny Calcified Fragments Locations

Calcified Fragments are new items in Destiny, which became available with The Taken King expansion. There are 50 well hidden Calcified Fragments scattered through the new missions.
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After collecting all fragments, players will be rewarded with a special reward, but we still don’t know what it is since no one managed to find them all. There is also a quest you will get from Eris Morn when you collect your first fragment. Make sure you abort your mission and go back to the tower to turn it in, because it might get bugged. Eris will give you a follow-up quest called Shattered Past that asks you to collect 5 additional fragments. You should also turn those in as soon as you collect them (to avoid the bug) and you will be rewarded with the Reciprocal Rune. Fragment location guides bellow are ordered in the way we found them and grouped by the area and mission they were found in. The game numbers them in a certain way. You can see the Calcified Fragments’ numbers in the Grimoire cards section of the game (on the Bungie website). We included the Grimoire card numbering in the information bellow, so you can hunt for those that you are missing.

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Calcified Fragment 16. (XVI)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Trenchway
When you first spawn on the Dreadnaught you will be on a small bridge. Look left of it and you will see a tiny glow in a pile of rubble. That is the first Calcified Fragment for many of us. Carefully jump down to it and collect it and then go to Eris Morn at the Tower to star the quest.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 16.

Calcified Fragment 17. (XVII)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Trenchway
Mission takes you into an entrance, but instead of following the little sprite keep going until the end of the Tranchway. There is a dead end passageway to the right where you’ll find the next fragment (in the very corner of the dead end).Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 17.

Calcified Fragment 15. (XV)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Trenchway
As you enter the Dreadnaught, following the little sprite/light (or drone as they call it in the game), there will be an invisible bridge that you’ll have to reveal with your ghost. Cross the chasm and you’ll find yourself in front of a door. Straight ahead you will see the first larvae that you can actually scan with your ghost. To the right of it are some rock columns. Behind them is this fragment.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 15.

Calcified Fragment 19. (XIX)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Trenchway
Before the entrance, described in the guide for Fragment 15. above, turn right. There is another invisible bridge off of the right ledge that can take you to a far away platform. There is a cave there that hides no. 19.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 19.

Calcified Fragment 20. (XX)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Trenchway
Lets go back to where you first encountered the invisible bridges on this level. There is another set of hidden platforms to the left of this entrance. cross the first chasm, as if you would be going to do the mission. Instead of going into the cave system where the mission is, go left. At the end of the walkway scan the chasm. You will be almost opposite of the initial entrance now. You should see a set of platforms now. Jump across these to get to a cave holding a Hive soul trapped in stone. Face away from the stone and to your right will be the fragment.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 20.

Calcified Fragment 14. (XIV)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Trenchway
You just entered the Dreadnaught and crossed the chasm via invisible platforms. You find yourself in front of an entrance. Go inside and follow the mission pointer. This will lead you through a crawlspace to your left, than another crawlspace to your right. You are now in a hallway. Behind you is a spiky metal gate and in front is the rest of the mission. Before you exit this hallway to the left, following the mission pointer, keep going until the end of the passageway. There are some rock columns stacked there and among them is the fragment.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 14.

Calcified Fragment 12. (XII)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hall of souls
When you enter the Hall of Souls you will be tasked with disabling power sources. There is one to the left of where you enter the Hall of Souls and one to the right. Go across the invisible bridges to the right. The first room you enter has some square columns close to the wall that look like they would be a nice jumping puzzle. Jump on top of them and you will find the collectible neatly tucked away in the dark.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 12.

Calcified Fragment 11. (XI)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hall of souls
From the entrance into the Hall of Souls go to the right hand side power source. There is a small round passageway across the power source and little bit to the right. As you exit into the large hall turn immediately right (as you exit in front of you should be a bridge leading down – don’t go that way yet). There is a far away platform up above and hidden bridges that can take you to it. Fragment is hidden on the platform.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 11.

Calcified Fragment 13. (XIII)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hall of souls
We are still at the right hand side power source in the Hall of souls. Across from the power source is a hallway with 6 statues that takes you to the throne of Oryx structure. As you exit the hallway turn right. You should see two square columns that can help you cross the chasm. On the first column’s side is the Fragment no. 13.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 13.

Calcified Fragment 10. (X)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hall of souls
This is a little bit harder to find fragment so bear with me. As you enter the Hall of souls go left! There is a big cavern with a power source there. Go behind the power source and exit the cavern. As you exit, across the chasm, you’ll see a door. If you go through that door you’ll enter a small room with a hole in the wall to the right. Go through there and another room and another hole in the wall. You should now enter a cave system and right in front of you should be a Hive soul stone. Go immediately right into some tunnels. Maybe 15 steps from where you entered the tunnel turn around and you should see the fragment on the wall to the right.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 10.

Calcified Fragment 35. (XXXV)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hall of souls
Before we leave the Hall of Souls and enter Hull Breach, there is one more fragment to collect. This one was left for the end due to the difficult circumstances. Go to the Court of Oryx, in the center of the Hall of Souls. While in patrol mode, this platform is electrified and it is not safe to stand on. Looking to the right, you should spot another large room. Head there and find an entrance to the dark area.There’s a small crawl space to your right in the next room. Once you go through it, you’ll be in a large room two big lamps shining brightly. Another tunnel will be right in front of you. Go through it and look to your right. You’ll see a small cave with the chest. Once you enter this room, you will be damaged by the “Taken Consumption” debuff. This debuff does a lot of damage. The trick is that you need to spend 10 seconds on opening the chest. Due to the debuff condition, it is impossible to do it without the help of damage reduction spells, blocking with a sword or any other sort of defensive aid.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 35.

Calcified Fragment 8. (VIII)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hull Breach
In the last part of the mission Dreadnaught, we find ourselves in the “Hull Breach” area. Turn left as you enter this area. The fragment is found on top of the ruined ship hull. You have to make several jumps to get to this spot. The fragment is just under the highest reachable area.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 8.

Calcified Fragment 7. (VII)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hull Breach
Close to the previous fragment, there is a tunnel entrance. It is close to the center of the large plateau. Once you enter the tunnel keep to your left. When you enter the second tunnel room, go left. The fragment is well hidden on a wall, inside a small indented area next to the shiny bright crystal.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 7.

Calcified Fragment 9. (IX)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hull Breach
Fragment n.9 is found behind the crashed ship. It is tucked between two pieces of a broken metal beam.Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 9.

Calcified Fragment 6. (VI)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hull Breach
As you enter the Hull Breach area (in front of you is a huge crashed Cabal ship) go right. Keep going right until you reach a sort of an archway. Turn right there. There should be some metal boxes on the side of the wall. You will enter a small room that has a hall in its left wall. Go through the wall and another chamber. As you enter the tunnels at the first intersection go inside the left tunnel. Follow this until you reach another chamber. There is a scan-able canister near the right wall of this chamber. At the far wall of this chamber is the collectible.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 6.

Calcified Fragment 5. (V)
Mission: The Dreadnaught
Sub-region: Hull Breach
From the entrance into the Hull Breach area go right. Pass through the archway exit all the way to the right. As you follow the path you should see a flashing light to your left. There are metal grates on the floor next to it. Bellow them is the fragment.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 5.

Calcified Fragment 4. (IV)
Sub-region: Mausoleum
The next fragments are found in the Mausoleum. If you come from the Hall of Stones into the Mausoleum, you’ll find yourself standing right from the giant, crashed Cabal ship. Head to the crack below the front part of the Cabal ship. The fragment is well hidden, on the ruined part of what seems like a metal plate. It is hard to spot it when walking by. You have to jump on it to notice its presence.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 4.

Calcified Fragment 3. (III)
Sub-region: Mausoleum
The left side of the Mausoleum (if you look toward the giant light beam) has several doorways. Head toward the square entrance (the one closest to the hexagonal entrance). As you enter this room, you can spot the small crack on the left wall. Go through it and jump up to balcony to your left.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 3.

Calcified Fragment 2. (II)
Sub-region: Mausoleum
The left side of the Mausoleum (if you look toward the giant light beam) has a hexagonal room entrance (next to the previous one). Enter this room and go left. You can find the fragment in the far left part of the room, behind a structure that looks like a tank with reddish contents.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 2.

Calcified Fragment 1. (I)
Sub-region: Mausoleum
Close to the main source of light in the Mausoleum (the giant beam of light) are two platforms. Looking from the distance, it seems like you can’t reach them. But once you come closer and use your ghost, it reveals the hidden boulders. Use them to overcome the giant gap. The fragment is on the nearest platform.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 1.

Calcified Fragment 34. (XXXIV)
Sub-region: Mausoleum
Before we leave the Mausoleum, there is one more Fragment to pick up. This one was left for last as it is the hardest to acquire. For starters, go to the cave of fragment number three. Inside the small cave where you found this fragment are three maggots that burrow into the ground as you enter. You should wait here for about one minute. This is the time needed to get a one minute debuff called “Scent of the Worm”.With this one minute buff active, you have to reach the platform opposite the platform where Calcified Fragment One is found. There’s a chest there that you can only open while having the “Scent of the Worm” buff. This is not that easy, considering the one minute timer. To do it properly (alone), you’ll have to learn the route over the invisible boulders. The last three are especially important. You’ll have to jump on them without checking, to make it on time. This sounds hard but it’s not, as the jumps are rather straightforward. Learn the route and execute it right. Note: There are three invincible level 36 Blind Thralls on the final platform. They’ll spawn as you jump on it. You have collect the loot and leave the area fast, or they will kill you.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 34.

Calcified Fragment 24. (XXIV)
Mission: Regicide
Sub-region: The Asylum
Next few fragments are found during the story mission Regicide. As you go through the mission you will enter the first portal and after a few corridors find yourself in a large cavern. This area is called the Asylum and will spawn several waves of taken enemies. If you take the steps on the left of the entrance and look over the edge you should see two connecting metal beams. On one of the beams is the collectible.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 24.

Calcified Fragment 25. (XXV)
Mission: Regicide
Sub-region: The Asylum
In the first big room you enter after you jump through the first portal in The Asylum mission take the left hand stairs down. At the bottom of the stairs activate your ghost to reveal hidden platforms off the edge of the bridge you are on. Jump to the first platform bellow. Turn around and face the underbelly of the bridge you just jumped off of. You will see another hidden platform and to your right is a little hidden room (in the base of the bridge). Jump to the platform and then inside the room to get no. 25.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 25.

Calcified Fragment 27. (XXVII)
Mission: Regicide
Sub-region: The Asylum
You just fought two big Taken bosses and entered a portal after defeating them. In the very first room you find yourself in there are several stones placed in a circle. Underneath one of them is the fragment. calcified-fragment-27-location

Calcified Fragment 18. (XVIII)
Mission: Regicide
Sub-region: Trenchway
After defeating the two Taken bosses and going through your second portal you will enter the Trenchway region and see a huge gate across a chasm. Cross the platform and left of the door, on a little columns, is this fragment.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 18.

Calcified Fragment 21. (XXI)
Sub-region: The Founts
The next fragments are found in the area called The Founts. The entrance to this area is on the platform overlooking the large giant beam of light in the Mausoleum, to the right. This is the closest door to the previous fragment’s location. Once you enter this part of the Dreadnaught, you’ll find yourself in a long tunnel with a metal gate at the end. The fragment is on the ground, just behind the gate.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 21.

Calcified Fragment 22. (XXII)
Sub-region: The Founts
We are still in The Founts. The first large room, shortly after the long tunnel, is where the next fragment is. As you enter this room, look to your right. There, almost next to the ceiling is where you want to jump. Use the nearby pillars to do so.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 22.

Calcified Fragment 23. (XXIII)
Sub-region: The Founts
Going deeper into The Founts, you can spot a part of the room with a hole in the floor. Jump into the room below and continue forward. After the sharp turn right, head toward the left corner of the room. There are two casket-looking things blocking the corner. Jump over them and aim for the back part of the casket closest to the wall. There is a fragment here hidden so well, that it seems like it’s not there.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 23.

Calcified Fragment 26. (XXVI)
Sub-region: The Sunless Cell
Head to the Sunless Cell level 36 strike in the Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn. Somewhere in the middle of the strike you’ll find yourself on a hanging bridge with white plates, in a room with dozens of objects suspended from the ceiling. Before you step onto this bridge look to your left. There is a barely visible pillar there. You have to jump on it to even notice the Fragment.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 26.

Calcified Fragment 28. (XXVIII)
Sub-region: Shield Brothers
Head to the Shield Brothers level 36 strike in the Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn. After you defeat the Goliath Tank and enter “The Bridge” zone, the first large room with enemies is where you want to turn right at the start. You’ll be able to find a white metal beam broken in half, close to the wall. The fragment is next to it, almost below another metal (grey) beam.

Calcified Fragment 50. (L)
Sub-region: Court of Oryx
I got this fragment as reward for completing a bounty called Challenge the Court: Antiquated Rune. You need to go to the Court of Oryx at the Dreadnaught and use Antiquated Runes to summon enemies until you are able to complete the bounty requirement “Summon foes with an Antiquated Rune and defeat them in under 2 minutes.”. You will need a good team for this or be lucky like me and come across a group of 8 other guardians doing the Court of Oryx. calcified fragment 50

Calcified Fragment 39. 40. 41. 42. (XXXIX XL XLI XLII)
Sub-region: Court of Oryx T2
All of these fragments are random drops once you defeat bosses in the Court of Oryx Tier 2 (summoning with stolen rune)

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 40.

Calcified Fragment 37. (XXXVII)
Sub-region: Mausoleum
You will have to do several steps in order to acquire this rune. First, you will need to kill Cabal Centurion, Colossus and Phalanx on The Dreadnaught (plenty of them at Hull Breach and Mausoleum) until they drop an item called Skyburners Command Beacon. This grind can take a while. Once you get the Command Beacon go inside the Cabal ship at Hull Breach and turn left as you enter. There is a console there you will be able to interact with. This will summon a Cabal Champion (via dropship) and once you kill him he will drop Skyburners Deployment Codes.

With deployment codes go to the Mausoleum towards the entrance into the cabal ship (and where they are usually fighting the Hive). There is an opening in the side of the ship you can reach by jumping over nearby metal beams. Inside the opening is a console you can interact with. This will give you three patrols to do. Usually killing cabal in the area and scouting places. These tasks have a timer on them so do not waste time. Once you successfully complete these patrols you will get Skyburners Security Pass from the last mob you kill for the tasks. Go back to the opening in the cabal ship in the Mausoleum (where you used the console to start the patrols) and open the door with your Security Pass. Inside you will find a chest that has Calcified Fragment 37.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 37.

Calcified Fragment 29. (XXIX)
Sub-region: King’s Fall Raid
In order to get this fragment you will have to finish the first jumping puzzle (across disappearing Hive ships). Once you get through the force field door and completely finish the first jumping puzzle you will enter a room with an upward stream that takes you to where the Power the Glyph event takes place (the one with auras and brands and deathsinger charges). Before you enter the stream turn around, and next to the big column in the middle of the room is the calcified fragment.

Calcified Fragment 30. (XXX)
Sub-region: King’s Fall Raid
Fragment 30. is very close to where you found no. 29. Once you take the stream up,follow the path until you reach the chamber with acolytes praying in front of a large monolith (Basilica zone). This is where Power the Glyph event takes place. Just to the right of the entrance is a support beam with the fragment at its base.calcified fragment 30 location

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 30.

Calcified Fragment 31. (XXXI)
Sub-region: King’s Fall Raid
Once you defeat the Warpriest boss you will enter a portal that takes you to a long and dark corridor. Keep going down it until you reach the first intersection. Take the left path and keep going until you reach an opening in the wall to your left. At the end of that section is the fragment, hidden behind a huge rock. Be careful as you go through these corridors because there are holes in the ground, just like ones in Crota’s raid, that will end you.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 31.

Calcified Fragment 32. (XXXII)
Sub-region: King’s Fall Raid
After you defeat Golgoroth, go left into the tunnels. Keep going left until you reach the room with the large rotating pillar with blue lights. Turn left out of the room, and as soon as you leave, jump up to the ledge on your left. The fragment is up there.

Calcified Fragment 33. (XXXIII)
Sub-region: King’s Fall Raid
When you enter the room with the second jumping puzzle (on the Traverse the Abyss objective), get to the edge of the starting platform and look down. The fragment is on the platform directly below you, next to the pushing trap.

Calcified Fragment 36. (XXXVI)
Sub-region: The Founts
To get this one, you’ll have to acquire and charge up the Agonarch rune. When you’re done, go to the Founts on Patrol and use the rune on the chained cylinder, where the Sunless Cell strike begins. When you finish the event, you’ll get a chest with the fragment.

Click here to watch the video walkthrough for Calcified Fragment 36.

Calcified Fragment 38. (XXXVIII)
Sub-region: ???
This fragment is obtained randomly from one of the named chests that require keys. You’ll have to use the Wormsinger rune to obtain the key, then find the chest and unlock it. You should get the fragment from your first chest.

Calcified Fragment 46. (XXXVIII)
Sub-region: Nightfall Strike
You’ll get this fragment by completing the Nightfall strike. Some people report getting it on Darkblade, others on Sunless Cell. It has to be a nightfall, though.

Calcified Fragment 47. 48. 49. (XLVII XLVIII XLIX)
Sub-region: Court of Oryx T3
These three fragments can be obtained by defeating Court of Oryx Tier 3 bosses. You need to charge up and use the Antiquated rune. Thalnok drops #47, Balwur drops #48 and Kagoor drops #49.

We will update this guide in the next few hours with additional Calcified Fragment Locations until we collected all of them. Stay tuned.


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  1. S
    SiiK Ecliipse

    you get them 3 from stolen runes but its random so keep trying.

  2. A
    Andrew Klyne

    There are only 47 here that I can see. I am looking for 43,44 and 45. Do you know where they are? Thanks for all of the other info though.

  3. A

    XLIX – I got from T3 Court of Oryx defeating Kagoor
    XLVIII Was T3 Court of Oryx defeating Balwûr
    XLVII was T3 Court of Oryx defeating Thalnok
    I don’t think anyone has found XLIII, XLIV and XLV yet, it is rumored could be Kingsfall Heroic

  4. C

    When will u be posting the reSt of the fragment locations. I only see 1-31

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      Please refresh the page we have 39 fragments so far

  5. B
    Brandon Weiss

    There is one on Dantalion Exodus VI. What you need to do for this is go to the generator room (three big fans running) and you need to kill the two pain ultras in the room. When you do, two doors will open up. Inside are control panels that need scanned. First scan the one in the room closest to the mausoleum, then the one closest to hull breach. Wait around for about 5 minutes for the psions to respawn (don’t leave or you will have to restart!) once they do, kill them again and scan the panel closest to hull breach again and the big door between the glass rooms should open. Go through it and follow to the end to face a hive boss. Kill it and in the corner or the room, along the wall of the exit is a fragment hidden under some rubble.

    1. G
      Gosu No0b

      That is Calcified Fragment 28. You can also get it during the Shield Brothers strike – as described in the guide.

  6. B

    I have 45 collected on the app but the game says I only have 44 wat should I do

    1. V

      The fragments are shown on the app as account wide… but in game you must collect all of them with all of your characters. Considering that, you probably have one more fragment that you found with, lets say your Titan, when you still have only 44 on your hunter.
      Hope that helped.

  7. K

    The fragment in the taken consumption chest is noted as number 34 (XXXIV) this is the wrong number, it should be number 35 (XXXV) Cheers 😉

  8. D
    Detroit Daddy

    This is a great start to a great guide! When will the other fragment locations be published? FYI, you have two entries for fragment 34. I believe the first one may be incorrectly labeled.

  9. M
    Manuel Carrasco

    I found one in a set of worm tunnels. You have to walk towards the right corner of the hull breach, where you will find a small cave underneath the patrol beacon, walk into it and turn left, continue over the mound and enter the tunnel. If you turn left when you get to the fork, you will find 2 chests. If you turn right, you will enter a room. You can scan the cylindrical object on your right, and the calcified fragment will be on the backside of the last pillar in the room. Hoped this helped!

  10. M

    From Calcified fragment XXI go out the door to the left and look right towards the first set of “tombs” into the wall. CALCIFIED FRAGMENT XXI is at the top “tomb”

    Gamer tag MoVoid

  11. M

    In the mausoleum when facing the rupture from its platform go left into the founts. Straight down the hallway is CALCIFIED FRAGMENT XXI you can pick it up through the metal gate.

    Gamer tag MoVoid

  12. B

    If you get hit with the bug, what should you do?

    1. K

      I am wondering the same thing because I only need to collect 2 that I don’t have and I only have 44 and it won’t register that I have them