Void Feast Guardian Games Daily Bounty in Destiny 2
Destiny 2 Void Feast Daily Bounty is one of the bounties that you can get during the Guardian Games event in the Season of the Worthy. The Void Feast daily bounty requires you to kill enemies in streaks of 10 using the Devour Warlock charged melee ability. However, the description of the bounty is kinda poorly worded, causing confusion among the player base. So, we’re going to show you what you have to do in our Void Feast Guardian Games Daily Bounty in Destiny 2 guide.

How to Complete Void Feast Daily Bounty in Destiny 2 Guardian Games?
To complete the Void Feast Daily Bounty in Destiny 2 Guardian Games event, the first thing you have to do is to level up your Warlock’s Voidwalker tree to the Attunement of Hunger branch and, specifically, the Devour ability. Equip said Ability, and make sure to put on whatever gear might help you use your melee attacks as efficiently as possible. For example, we used the Monte Carlo Auto Rifle (reduces melee cooldown) and the Claws of Ahamkara Gauntlets (grants a second melee charge).
Next up, you have to score ten charged melee kills with the Devour ability without dying. We did this by activating the Escalation Protocol at Braytech Futurescape on Mars. Kill one of the adds with Devour, then use Monte Carlo to recharge it. Rinse and repeat until you score ten kills this way and complete the first streak. Then, you have to die in order to start the second streak counter. Go through the whole Devour – Monte Carlo song and dance ten times again, and you’ll complete the Void Feast Daily Bounty.
And, there you have it; that’s really all there is to it. The main potential hiccup here is that the bounty description is worded extremely poorly. Basically, it doesn’t explain how the streaks work, and that essentially committing digital suicide is basically the only way to start the second streak. Luckily for you, we’ve got you covered, and now you know how to do the Void Feast Daily Bounty in Destiny 2.
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