Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Rice Cakes Locations for Jade Rabbits
Small Rice Cakes in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep are a consumable that you can get for completing various activities. You need the Rice Cake consumable to interact with Jade Rabbits. So, people that have found the Rabbits are wondering what to do with them, while others are asking what to do with Rice Cakes. And everyone is wondering where to find rice cakes in Destiny 2. All that said, here’s our Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Rice Cakes Locations for Jade Rabbits guide to show you how to get the Small Rice Cake consumable in Destiny 2, as well as what to do with them.

How to Get Small Rice Cake Consumable in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep for Jade Rabbits?
To get Rice Cakes in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, you basically just have to patrol the Moon, open chests, and complete public events. As it turns out, the Small Rice Cake is a legendary item. Therefore, it’s a relatively rare drop. That said, there’s a wide variety of things that it has a chance to drop from. People are reporting getting Rice Cakes from completing Nightmare Hunts and public events. I mean, several people have been lucky enough to get a Small Rice Cake by simply opening a chest.
So, yeah; bottom line, just keep patrolling the Moon and completing stuff, and a Small Rice Cake will drop eventually. In case you don’t know what to do with the Rice Cakes, allow me to enlighten you. Take them to one of the Jade Rabbits that are hidden across the map. For more info on those, check out our Destiny 2 Jade Rabbit Locations – You Lack Something guide. When you hand the little treat to them, you’ll get some Phantasmal Fragments in return. There are people that have reported getting a Phantasmal Core, too, so that’s nice.
UPDATE: Thanks to one of our commenters (thanks, Chef Big Dog), we’ve learned that the Jade Rabbits go into the Jade Rabbit room after you feed them a rice cake. For the location, click the Jade Rabbit link above. What happens when you get all of them in the room, we don’t know yet.
Overall, not much of a reward, so you can kinda treat it as a side activity to cash in when you get a Small Rice Cake. Now, if you’re having trouble with something else, feel free to check out some of our other Destiny 2 Shadowkeep guides. Like, say, Glowing Symbol Locked Chests – How to Open and Monte Carlo Exotic Auto Rifle – How to Get.
If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.