Destiny 2 Reckoner Title Season of the Drifter Requirements - How to Get
The Reckoner Title is a new thing you can earn in Destiny 2 during the Season of the Drifter. Getting the Season of the Drifter Reckoner title involves a lot of playing Gambit Prime and The Reckoning. You’ll have a lot of grinding to do. You’ll have to win matches, perform different feats with auras on, the works. With all of that said, here’s our Destiny 2 Reckoner Title Season of the Drifter Requirements – How to Get guide to show you what you need to do to earn the Reckoner Title in Season of the Drifter. Be forewarned; it’s not gonna be a cakewalk.

How to Meet Reckoner Title Requirements in Destiny 2 Season of the Drifter?
To meet the requirements for the Reckoner title in Destiny 2 Season of the Drifter, you’ll have to grind Gambit Prime quite a lot. You’ll have to win a number of them, as well as perform a ton of actions while sporting different auras. There’s a lot to get through, so let’s just jump into it, shall we?
- Annual Pass: Joker’s Wild – Complete the associated badge on the collections screen in order to claim this triumph (36)
- Call me… Collector – Win a gambit prime match with a full set of notorious collector armor equipped (1)
- Call me… Invader – Win a gambit prime match with a full set of notorious invader armor equipped (1)
- Call me… Reaper – Win a gambit prime match with a full set of notorious reaper armor equipped (1)
- Call me… Sentry – Win a gambit prime match with a full set of notorious sentry armor equipped (1)
- Swift Reckoning – Complete a time trial run of tier III in the reckoning (1)
- One Skip Ahead – Complete all three stages of tier III of the reckoning without dying (2)
You thought that was grindy as hell? You’ve probably never been more right in your life. And, wouldn’t you know it, that’s only the tip of the iceberg; those were just the single-requirement things. Only now do we truly get into the thick of it. Hold on to your hats.
Get Recked – While in The Reckoning:
- Defeat powerful enemies (150)
- Land precision final blows (250)
- Defeat shadow thrall (1000)
Triumph Collector – While in Gambit Prime, with the Collector Aura:
- Win matches (10)
- Deposit motes (1000)
- Summon small blockers (100)
- Summon giant blockers (40)
- Earn half-banked medals (15)
Triumphant Invader – While in Gambit Prime, with the Invader Aura:
- Win matches (10)
- Defeat opposing guardians with your super (25)
- Defeat opposing guardians with sniper or linear fusion rifle kills (25)
- Defeat opposing guardians with fusion rifles or shotguns (25)
- Defeat opposing guardians with any other weapon (25)
- Drain motes while near the enemy bank (100)
Triumphant Reaper – In Gambit Prime, with the Reaper Aura:
- Win matches (20)
- Defeat combatants (1000)
- Defeat high value targets (50)
- Defeat blockers and envoys (100)
- Earn massacre medals (10)
Triumphant Sentry – While in Gambit Prime, with the Sentry Aura:
- Win matches (20)
- Mark Invaders (40)
- Defeat Blockers before your primeval has spawned (200)
- Defeat taken while your primeval has spawned (150)
- Earn Locksmith medals (20)
Then, last but not least, you have to obtain The Thorn, to meet The Hated Path requirement. So, yeah. That’s truly a lot to slog through; you’ll be playing Gambit quite a bit. Maybe it’s for the better, what with the new bug connected to the Malfeasance quest. Check out our Gambit Prime Wins Don’t Count for Malfeasance Quest Step Bug article for more info on that situation.
Huge thank-you to Reddit user and amazing user name-haver StealthShdwSquid for his work on compiling this information.
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