New Ritual Weapons Destiny 2 Season of Dawn
Destiny 2 Season of Dawn ritual weapons are new weapons that you can earn by performing certain quests in the game, specifically, for Zavala, The Drifter, and / or Shaxx. The quests include the usual racking up of various kills, and similar stuff. However, in case you’re having trouble figuring out how to get Season of Dawn new ritual weapons in Destiny 2, you’re in the right place. With that said, we’re going to show you how to get Python, KOMODO-4FR and Buzzard, as well as their perks, in our New Ritual Weapons Destiny 2 Season of Dawn guide.

Perk Set on Python – How to Get Legendary Shotgun?
To get the Python Legendary Shotgun ritual weapon, you’ll have to complete several steps of the Spitting Distance quest in Gambit mode, the report to The Drifter. The first step is 500 shotgun final blows, the second is 150 shotgun final blows at close range, and the third is 1 Infamy Rank “Heroic”. As for the perk set, here’s a list of Perks that you can get on Python:
- Aggressive Frame – Increases rate of fire after kill.
- Smallbore – Increases range and stability.
- Extended Mag – Greatly increases magazine size, but greatly decreases reload speed.
- Overflow – Picking up Special or Heavy ammo reloads this weapon to beyond normal capacity.
- Shield Disorient – Energy matched shield explosion disorients nearby combatants.
- Feeding Frenzy – Kills with this weapon increase reload speed for a short time.
- One-Two Punch – Hitting an enemy with every pellet in a shot increases melee damage for a short duration.

How to Get KOMODO-4FR Legendary Fusion Rifle Ritual Weapon – Perk Set.
To get the KOMODO-4FR Legendary Fusion Rifle ritual weapon, you’re gonna be grinding the Crucible and complete the Fire Breather quest, then report back to Shaxx. The first step is 15 Linear Fusion Rifle precision final blows, the second is 125 regular final blows with a Fusion Rifle, and the third is a Glory rank “Heroic” of 1. The perks that you can get on the KOMODO-4FR are as follows:
- Precision Frame – Fires a long-range precision energy bolt, the recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
- Polygonal Firing – Barrel optimized for reduction of recoil, leading to increased stability.
- Accelerated Coils – Faster charge time, at the cost of decreased impact damage.
- No Distractions – Reduces flinch after aiming for a short period.
- Eye of the Storm – Weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling the lower your health is.
- Moving Target – Moving while aiming down sights increases movement speed and target acquisition.
- Box Breathing – Aiming for a short period without firing gives you bonus range and precision damage, Resets after firing or exiting zoom.

Buzzard Legendary Kinetic Sidearm – How to Get Ritual Weapon & Perk Set
To get the Buzzard Legendary Sidearm ritual weapon, you must complete a set of quest steps in the Shoot Fast, Tread Lightly for Zavala, and then report back to him when you are done. Step one is to execute 1500 Sidearm Final Blows, step two is 50 airborne sidearm blows, and the third is to rack up 4500 points.
- Adaptive Frame – Reliable and sturdy, well-rounded grip.
- Extended Barrel – Increases range, decreases handling speed, moderatly controls recoil.
- Alloy Magazine – Reloads faster when the magazine is empty.
- Outlaw – Precision kills greatly decrease reload time.
- Osmosis – Using your grenade ability changes weapon’s damage type to match your subclass until you stow it.
- Fourth Time’s the Charm – Rapidly landing precision hits will return two rounds to the magazine.
- Swashbuckler – Weapon gains increased damage from melee kills and kills with this weapon.

If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.