Destiny 2 Mars Region Golden Chest Locations in Warmind
Golden Region Chests are a collectible in Destiny 2. They’ve been in all zones so far, so of course there’s Region Chests on Mars in the Warmind DLC. They drop some pretty descent loot, so finding the Warmind Region chest will probably pay off. With that in mind, here’s where to find region chest locations on Mars in Warmind DLC.

Where to Find Gold Region Chests on Mars in Destiny 2 Warmind?
The first region chest you can find on Mars in the Warmind DLC is in Glacial Fields, in the east corner of the region. It is below the Lost Sector symbol. There’s basically a fork in the road there. The one leading up leads to the Lost Sector, and the one leading straight leads you to the little nook where the chest is. From there, head to the right and up to the loading bay area of the Clovis Bray building. Go inside, hop onto the large, white crate in the middle, and jump onto the catwalk on the left. The chest is on the end of that short catwalk.
From the previous point, head across the bridge you’re on, and when you reach the huge, closed bay door, head left. To the right of the white tank, you’ll see a small storage room. Jump onto the roof of it to find the Region Chest. Our next stop is the Braytech Futurescape Landing Zone. Head right immediately and head down the stairs. Climb up the incline, turn around and look to the right. You’ll see the chest next to the large blue boiler.
Next up, head to the northeast corner of the map. There’s a very vast platform there. Walk to the edge of the cliff; don’t worry, you can walk on the wire mesh. Go all the way to the far right corner, in the direction of the tall, white silo with the Clovis Bray logo. The chest is around the corner. The last region chest on Mars in the Warmind DLC is in the westernmost part of the Braytech Futurescape area, near the entrance into the Lost Sector. Find the small entrance, and the Region Chest will be right in front of you, under the staircase.
If you need further help with the Destiny 2 Warmind DLC, feel free to browse some of our other guides, including Sleeper Node Locations, Latent Memory Locations, and Warmind 35 & 45 Cache Chest Location.
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