Home » Destiny 2 » Destiny 2 Iron Banner Armor & Weapons
The Iron Banner event in Destiny 2 has begun. By participating, you can earn some sweet armor and weapons. When playing Iron Banner, you take part in PvP battles, earn tokens. and return them to Lord Saladin to earn gear. We’ve put together this guide on armor and weapons in Destiny 2 Iron Banner to help you navigate said new gear.
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Destiny 2 Iron Banner Armor & Weapons
Iron Banner Hunter, Warlock, Titan Truage Armor in Destiny 2
The Iron Truage Vestments is a legendary chest armor for Warlocks. Intrinsic Perk: Heavy Warlock Armor gives improved resilience. The Mobility Enhancement Mod grants increased mobility, and the Restorative Mod grants increased health recovery.The Iron Truage Vest is legendary, heavy chest armor for the Hunter. Intrinsic Perk: Improved resilience. Other perks include increased resilience and increased health recovery, thanks to the Plasteel Reinforcement Mod and Restorative Mod, respectively.The Iron Truage Plate is legendary heavy chest armor for Titans. Intrinsic Perk: Improved recovery. Other perks: Increased resilience and increased health recovery, thanks to the Plasteel Reinforcement Mod and Restorative Mod, respectively.
Energy Weapons in Destiny 2 Iron Banner
The Fool’s Remedy legendary sidearm. Perks: SUROS Rapid-Fire (Full Auto, deeper ammo reserves, slightly faster reload with empty magazine) / Control SAS (Stable Sidearm sight, increases handling speed & stability) / Tactic SAS (Accurate Sidearm sight, slight increase in range) / FarPoint SAS (Pinpoint Sidearm sight, greatly increases range, but decreases stability & handling speed) / Ricochet Rounds (increases stability & range) / Accurized Rounds (increases range) / Moving Target (increase in movement speed and target acquisition when moving while aiming down sights)
Hero’s Burden legendary submachine gun. Perks: Adaptive Frame (well-rounded, reliable, sturdy grip) / SLO-10 Post (SUROS projection sight, short zoom, increases range & handling speed) / SPO-28 Front (SUROS holo sights, medium zoom, increases handling speed & range) / SPO-26 Front (SUROS lightweight red-dot sight, short zoom, increases range & handling speed) / High-Caliber Rounds (shots from the weapon knock enemies back further, slight increase in range) / Drop Mag (magazine drops when reloading, wastes ammo but increases reload speed significantly) / Threat Detector (increases reload, handling, & stability in close proximity of enemies)
Destiny 2 Iron Banner Heavy Weapons
The Day’s Fury legendary grenade launcher. Perks: Precision Frame (fires slower grenade that bounces, hold to fire & release to detonate) / Countermass (increases stability & handling speed through great recoil control) / Confined Launch (increases stability & blast radius while decreasing projectile speed) / Volatile Launch (increases blast radius greatly, slightly decreases projectile speed & handling speed) / Mini Frags (increases reload speed & magazine size, decreases blast radius) / Spike Grenades (increased stability, grenades do more damage on direct hits) / Snapshot Sights (faster aim down sights)
Wizened Rebuke legendary fusion rifle. Perks: High-Impact Frame (more accurate when stationary & aiming down sights) / Cleanshot IS (short zoom, increase handling speed & range) / Red Dot 2 MOA (short zoom, increase in range & handling speed) / Red Dot Micro (short zoom, increase handling speed & range) / Liquid Coils (slower charge time, increased impact damage) / Enhanced Battery (increased magazine size) / Backup Plan (reduced charge time & increased handling speed shortly right after swapping to this weapon)
Kinetic Weapons in Iron Banner
The Guiding Sight legendary scout rifle. Perks: High-Impact Frame (more accurate when stationary & aiming down sights) / Cleanshot IS (increases handling speed & range) / Red Dot 2 MOA (increases range & handling speed) / Rifle Scope ST (long zoom, increases range, decreases handling speed) / Tactical Mag (increases stability, reload speed, magazine size) / Armor-Piercing Rounds (slightly increases range, extra damage to shields, overpenetrates targets) / Pulse Monitor (when critically wounded, auto-reloads part of the magazine)
Time-Worn Spire legendary pulse rifle. Rapid-Fire Frame (deeper ammo reserves, slightly faster reload with empty magazine) / Hitmark IS (agile sight, increases range & handling speed) / Red Dot Micro (increases range & handling speed) / Rifle Scope SSF (long zoom, slightly increases range, slightly decreases handling speed) / Tactical Mag (increases stability, reload & handling speed) / Accurized Rounds (increases range) / Zen Moment (causing damage increases weapon stability)Steady Hand legendary hand cannon. Perks: Aggressive Frame (high damage & recoil) / TrueSight HCS (increases range, stability, handling speed) / HitMark HCS (accurate sight, increases range) / Crossfire HCS (sharp sight, increases range, decreases stability & handling speed) / Flared Magwell (greatly increases reload speed, slightly increases stability) / Alloy Magazine (faster reload with empty magazine) / Outlaw (Precision kills decrease reload time greatly)Forward Path legendary auto rifle. Perks: Adaptive Frame (reliable, sturdy, well-rounded grip) / Red Dot 2 MOA (increases range & handling speed) / Red Dot Micro (increases handling speed & range) / Rifle Scope SSF (increases range, decreases handling speed) / Armor-Piercing Rounds (increases range, rounds overpenetrate targets, extra damage to shields) / Extended Mag (greatly increases magazine size, greatly decreases reload speed) / Tap the Trigger (short period of increased stability & accuracy on initial trigger pull)
What Shader is used on the armour sets in the photos?
The Iron Banner weapons are legendary NOT exotic. Probably just a typo because the picture shows the purple thumbnail in the lower left hand corner.
100% my bad! Fixed it!