Destiny 2 How to Get Masterwork Tractor Cannon
Masterwork Tractor Cannon is a version of the weapon you can now get in Destiny 2. Masterworking the Tractor Cannon increases the magazine and max ammo you can carry. It also allows the Tractor Cannon to track the number of enemies you’ve killed. Since this is a pretty fun weapon to use, here’s how to obtain Destiny 2 Masterwork Tractor Cannon.

How to Get Masterwork Tractor Cannon in Destiny 2?
Getting the Masterwork Tractor Cannon is not going to be an easy feat. To masterwork the weapon, you’re going to have to kill around 300 or so enemies with the normal version of the Tractor Cannon. This is according to two Reddit users that have managed to get the Tractor Cannon masterworked: NightFreeze493 and A-Madman-In-A-Box. This particular masterwork increases the magazine size yo seven rounds, as well as the ammo reserve, meaning you can carry up to two extra magazines. Plus, it will start tracking how many enemies you’ve killed both in PvP and PvE.
First off, you have to get the Tractor Cannon catalyst. It seems to drop almost randomly, perhaps after you kill a certain number of enemies. You don;t even have to have the Tractor Cannon equipped for it to drop. Then, it’s time to get to butchering. To make killing enemies with the Tractor Cannon a bit easier on yourself, you can participate in different public events, wherever you want. Rally to the flag to get that sweet ammo, then start blasting away. Also, taking part in Escalation Protocol and Witches Ritual (heroic version) events on Mars will help. Both will supply you with heavy ammo, and plenty of enemies to murder with the Tractor Cannon. Killing enemies with orange or yellow health bars will also help, and they are in large supply on Mars.
If you need help with something else in Destiny 2, feel free to browse some of our other guides, including Rasputin Armory Codes – How to Get & Where to Use Tokens and How to Get Resonate Stems.
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