Haunted Forest Tips & Tricks - Destiny 2 Festival of The Lost
Haunted Forest is a new activity in Destiny 2. It’s part of the Festival of The Lost, a Halloween event that involves paying respects to fallen guardians, killing loads of enemies and wearing silly masks. The activity itself is pretty difficult – it consists of seemingly infinite waves of progressively stronger enemies. This guide will give you some Destiny 2 Haunted Forest tips & tricks, to help you survive as long as possible and kill as many as you can.

How to beat Haunted Forest
Since it’s pretty fresh, we have no idea whether there are really infinite waves. Most people at this point are either playing it solo or with random strangers via matchmaking. We have yet to see a coordinated fireteam try to get as deep as they can. With that in mind, getting as far as possible before the timer runs out could count as beating it – your goal here is to get as many Fragmented Souls as possible.
To do that, you should focus on killing mobs first – don’t run past them and try to explore the area. Just murder everyone in your path. The Nightmare elite enemies will drop Fragmented Souls, so prioritize them. Try to kill baddies as fast as you can – you’re on the clock. Set up your loadout to reflect that. While you’re in there, look for chests as well – each one will reward you with a pair of Fragmented Souls.
Every branch (wave) after the first will apply a different debuff – learn what they do and try to compensate. Glass will put you at 50% health but increase your health and shield regeneration. Attrition will stop health regeneration, letting you heal only from pickups. Grounded makes you suffer more damage while in the air. Blackout disables your radar and makes enemy melee attacks stronger.
If you’re wearing a mask, make sure you’ve chosen a mod for it. Pick whatever feels best, and you’ll get to unlock new perks for it as you kill Nightmares. When you encounter a Nightmare of Immunity, don’t try to fight them – they’re invincible. Just run away.
Here are some more specific tips:
- If you’re a Warlock, use a mask with the Winged Terror perk, the Dawnblade subclass and the Wings of Sacred Dawn chest armor (if you have it)
- If the invincible knight at the end (the one in the narrow red room) kills you, you’ll respawn by the chest.
- The timer pauses after you clear a level. It won’t resume until you stand in the red circle. Use this opportunity to take a breather.
- The first branch doesn’t have a modifier, branches 2-5 have one, branches 6-8 have two, and branches 9+ have all four.
If you have any tips of your own, feel free to share them in the comments, and we’ll update the guide as we discover more.
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