Destiny 2 Guardian's Heart Initiative Raises Over 780k for Direct Relief
The Guardian’s Heart charity initiative has wrapped up very successfully. The Guardians have banded together and managed to raise well over $780,000 in donations to Direct Relief. The initiative lasted for one month, and it basically revolved around Bungie granting every Guardian a special Emblem if they donated to Direct Relief. Yet another great charity drive from the Destiny 2 community.

Back on April 13th, Bungie launched the Guardian’s Heart initiative. Basically, they released an Emblem in Destiny 2, which you can see above, and you could only get “through a Tiltify donation to Direct Relief.” According to the press release, the goal was to reach $700,000. Thanks to the Guardians and their good will, the final number was well over the intended amount. In fact, by the time the initiative wrapped up on May 12th, they have raised a total of $788,923.19. It’s always wonderful to see any community rally for a good cause, and the Guardians have delivered.
Back when the initiative started, Bungie promoted it by having certain Destiny 2 content creators to volunteer as Bungie Bounties, aka target players that others complete against. So, yeah; the whole community knocked it out of the park. This is far from the first time when Guardians have risen to the occasion and answered the call. Them and Bungie have already had several fundraisers, including Guardians for Australia, Game2Give, Guardians to the Aid of Nepal, and more. Something tells me this won’t be the last time, either.
As for Direct Relief, they are a wonderful charity that is currently busting their humps providing relief from COVID-19. They are working in over eighty countries, trying to provide doctors and nurses with necessary resources. Even though the Guardian’s Heart initiative is over, you can still donate money via their official website, if you should so choose. It’s definitely a good cause.
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