Go Beyond the Light – Destiny 2
The Next Chapter of Destiny 2 is an expansion called “Beyond Light” and you will be able to play it from September 22, 2020. However, there is already something to enjoy playing – Bungie has also unveiled its next Destiny 2 season – Season of Arrivals and it launches today!

Guardians have daunting tasks ahead of them as they are fighting to save humanity. As part of their great quest, both Season of Arrivals and the Beyond Light expansions will bring new and exciting features to the game. There will be new mysteries, new powers to discover, and you will also be able to explore the Pyramid ships. Season of Arrivals opens its door today and you are now able to enter this world!
So, how about those Pyramids? They are new in our solar system, but they’ve been around for long enough for us to know that their intentions are not good. We still don’t know why they are here, but one thing is for sure – the moon of Io will see the arrival of the first Pyramid ship. This arrival will start a domino effect that will continue throughout the Season. The purpose of Pyramid ships will be revealed in the Beyond Light expansion (or not)!
Some more announcements fresh from the oven:
- Destiny 2 will be coming to both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X next-generation consoles.
- Purchases of Destiny 2: Beyond Light on Xbox One will transfer to Xbox Series X for free via Smart Delivery.
- Purchases on PlayStation 4 will upgrade to PlayStation 5 for free.

About Destiny 2: Beyond Light
In this expansion, Guardians will face a changed universe. Their adventures, new destinations, and exciting powers will be powered by one main occurrence – a new power coming out of the ancient Pyramid ship above Europa as a dark empire rises beneath.
Let’s travel to Europa – Guardians will have to go to this Jupiter’s frozen moon, infiltrate the Golden Age Braytech facility, and uncover the secrets that lie deep under the ancient ice.
Meet Stasis – This is a new and mysterious elemental power that can control the battlefield. Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters will each use Stasis in a different way, and you will be able to find out more about it this summer.
A New Raid – There is the Deep Stone Crypt below the surface of Europa. Here, Guardians will show just how important teamwork is as that is the only way for them to receive glorious awards.
Eramis – Europa is where the new empire of the splintered houses of the Fallen thrives. Eramis here emerges as the Fallen Kell of Darkness. She is alone and abandoned, awaiting Guardians.

About Destiny 2: Season or Arrivals
Do you believe in dark omens? If you are still not convinced in their existence, you will certainly have a chance to change your mind soon as it is the Pyramid ship that overshadows this omen and hides it from everyone. Guardians will be the ones to unravel all the secrets in this eleventh Season!
New Dungeon – Prophecy is now here and ready to challenge Guardians. If you solve the mystery, you will be able to unlock the new DAITO Foundry armor and reprised Trials of the Nine armor sets.
Darkness – This is a riddle that can be found on Io. If you wish to understand these messages, you will have to travel to the Cradle on Io.
Contact Public Event – Join Guardians in public events beneath the newly arrived Pyramid ship on Io.
New Rewards – You will be able to choose your rewards as the new engram Focusing system introduces this ability.
New Gear – As humanity is under threat, new weapons are required in order to fight against evil forces. For those with the Season Pass, the new Witherhoard Exotic Grenade Launcher and Seasonal armor set will immediately be unlocked. For those without the Season Pass, Destiny 2 is free to play!
If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.