Destiny 2 Free 30th Anniversary Pack Epic & Steam Account Link
Can you get free Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack content and rewards from the Epic Games Store on your main Steam account? Bungie and Epic Games are partnering up as Destiny 2 officially releases on the Epic Games Store. To celebrate, Fortnite is getting some funky Destiny 2-inspired skins. Also, all players on the Epic Games Store will receive the Destiny 2 Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack completely free. However, many current Steam players are wondering if linking your Epic Games and Steam accounts will allow you to use this free content on Steam as well. Read on to find out everything you need to know about Epic Games and Steam account linking. As well as which Destiny 2 content carryover from Epic to Steam.

Destiny 2 Free 30th Anniversary Pack Epic Games & Steam Account Link Explained
Starting from Tuesday, 23rd August 2022, Destiny 2 is officially available on the Epic Games Store. And the celebrate this occasion, Bungie is giving away for free the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack for all players on the Epic Games Store. This is a rather generous reward, given the fact that Bungie asks 25€ for the same pack on Steam. Given the price on Steam, many players want to know if they can transfer this from the EGS to Steam.
And while you can rather easily link your Epic Games and Steam accounts, unfortunately, you can only use this to transfer your save files. The things that carry over are character progression, silver, and so on. Any paid DLC content is locked to a platform where it was originally purchased. And, although, you have received this DLC for free, it still counts as a paid DLC.
Thus, you are only able to use free Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack content and rewards while playing from the Epic launcher. Whenever you launch Destiny 2 from Steam, your free 30th Anniversary Pack content will not be there. You will still need to purchase the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack on Steam. That is, if you wish to use those rewards on your main platform.
If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.
One more reason for me to dislike Epic in general. Oh well, I’ll keep playing and purchasing my content from everywhere except Epic.
You know, you can use what you earned and unlocked on epic on all platform. Try unlocking the ghallorhorn on epic then use on another platform. I’ve confirm this for since day 1 of ghallorhorn.
Unlocked content yes, but purchased content no. And this DLC is a purchasable DLC, despite them giving it away for free.
What about armors ornament, shaders, emote etc? Can it be unlock on steam once you claim all of those from epic?
so if i have no dlcs, ( i bought the first two that later became free to play i think- warmind and another) does that mean i can load up my profile from steam to epic?
transfer your save files? So i can get my character from steam, and load game with epic and play from that moment?
And if i will play from epic dlc be on if on steam dlc be off?
DLCs are tied to a platform, you can not transfer paid content such as DLC from Steam to Epic Games and vice versa.
actually dumb, obviously it’s for money reasons but the fact I can’t earn the rewards and keep on my main is a huge loss on their part considering that most people that play Destiny 2 on PC already transferred once from to Steam. I get not having the dungeon available when I switch back but locking me out of my rewards? That is lame. This is only for people just getting into Destiny 2 which is nice but a slap to the face to existing/returning players
They have always slapped existing/returning players in the face. Why are you surprised? Destiny 2 is one of the biggest money-making schemes in the gaming industry. The D2 community has always enjoyed getting f****d by Bungie and I’m not sure why you would want that to change now.
I can’t get over the way this game tries to nickle and dime existing players. Its impossible to get into given how they handle content.