Destiny 2 Forsaken Not Showing Up on Xbox, Update Won't Download
Destiny 2 Forsaken was just launched, but some players, specifically Xbox One owners, are having trouble starting it. There are two main issues at play – a number of players can’t even find the DLC as a separate package in the Xbox store, only getting the option of buying the full game and season pass, while another group cannot force the console to download the update that would allow them to play it. Thankfully, there are solutions for both, and we’re here to show them to you.

Can’t find Destiny 2 Forsaken in Xbox store
A lot of Xbox players seem to have trouble finding the expansion in the official store. That may be a bug, but it also may just be the fact that the store is terribly designed. No worries, though. You can buy the DLC directly from the game. Fire it up, load any of your characters and open up the director. You’ll see the option to buy the Forsaken right there.
Destiny 2 Forsaken update won’d download on Xbox One
The other big problem is the game refusing to update itself. It seems like this problem only affects people with the first generation Xbox One, at least according to the reports we’re seeing at the moment. However, there’s an easy fix for this one as well. Just press the power button on your console and hold it until it turns off. Leave it like that for about ten seconds, then turn it back on. The download should start automatically.
We’re going to keep an eye on things for the next couple of hours, and if any more problems like these pop up, we’re going to report on them and any potential solutions. Stay tuned. Or play the game, if you can.
If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.
Yea this did nothing it just pops up as installing but doesn’t do anything. I’ve had it installing for 2 days and it hasn’t gone up one megabyte.
I have downloaded the forsaken expansion pack, but when I go into destiny it says forsaken annual pass requires ownership of destiny 2 forsaken. And it wont let me report a problem. I have tried everything. Please help.
Same problem here in EU
Microsoft cant do nothing and bungie is a terrible site to find something.
On PSN is everything fine.
i dont know what to do, i cant play the game every 2 seconds it pops up. purchased the annual pass and the forsaken, but i have the annual pass.
damn bungie and microsoft store
Forsaken fix for d2 November 17 2018 FIXED!!!!
Sing into yout xbox account online, sign in, go to my xbox, go to my purchased / my games, then find forsaken and it should say install on your xbox. Worked for me. Good Luck ;))
I downloaded everything by going to the bundle then clicking the annual pass its self. The problem i have is the game isnt recognizing it. The annual pass… and I still cant play
That is one for one my issue. Thing is it is now 10/21 and it still isnt fixed!
Mine isn’t working. Did this get resolved for anyone ?
Its been a week now and no fix. I cant buy through the game or xbox store. Xbox support told me its not registering that i own the content but i do. So they said the only fix is to rebuy the legenday or the complete editions digitally. What kind of racket is this!? Fix this bullshit!!
I gifted it to two of my friends they got message but when they click on it just sends them to store what’s going on ???
Preordered Forsaken Digital Deluxe edition and tried to download last night. Code only gave me digital currency, and when I go to the store to use it to buy the game, it says it’s not available (XBox One). Are others still having this issue?
yea Me and my friend are having the same issue he was gonna gift it to me for my birthday but it only tells him it’s currently unavailable. Smh and I was so hyped.
Did anyone get this resolved (it not being available to purchase separate)?
Destiny 2: Forsaken + Annual Pass is currently not available.
WHAT THE HELL? I already paid.
Same here, bought the digital download from Gamestop and the code only credits 40.00 to the account instead of the dlc. Bungie and Microsoft screwed the pooch on this one, just to sell the repackaged delux version of the game… Because profit
Xbox are having issues with the store for a couple of days now. Hopefully it will be sorted. At the moment I can’t by forsaken standard edition. And it doesn’t even work If you click to buy it in game
4 days it keeps on saying not available I tried restarting my console and WiFi and it didn’t work like fix r store it’s definitely the store it’s like a big they need to make a patch on this like I’m betting they won’t solve this till next week 5 more days I want this before the Last Wish raid comes out next Friday
Mine eventually downloaded, then corrupted my Destiny 2 install, forcing it to re-install the full game at 75.15gb. I just hope it doesn’t F up again once it tries to install the Forsaken update. What a waste of an evening.
One major problem right now is xbox store is having issues with purchases.
I can’t buy forsaken off of destiny either! What do I do?
I’m really frustrated right now and need help. I cannot buy the forsaken + annual pass in the Xbox store, and when I try to buy the digital deluxe through the actual game, it just says “Query Failed, cannot connect to the Xbox store”
It’s still not working even with download it’s trying to download again and says missing or damaged expansion this is nuts
same here and it’s pissing me off
Hey guys! I was just having the same issue. However I powered off the console, waited for the light to go out, and then unplugged the power brick for about a minute.(at least 30 seconds) powered back up and it started downloading! Hope this helps!