Destiny 2 Exotic Hunter Armor - How to Get It, Locations & Perks
Destiny 2 exotic Hunter armor include various helmets, chest pieces, gauntlets, and boots. Every piece of Exotic armor is a hard to find, and requires a lot of effort and some luck. It’s always worth your while, because the Hunter Exotic armor perks give your character special abilities that’ll help you become the Guardian you aim to be. Whether you choose to unlock Exotic armor by taking part in raids, or simply buy them from Xur for Legendary Shards, you shouldn’t pass up the opportunity. We hope that our guide, in which we’ll list all Hunter Exotic armor in Destiny 2 and how to get it, will aid you on your way.

NOTE: This guide is a work in progress. We’ll update the list below as we discover more when the full game comes out.
How to get Hunter Exotic Helmets, Chest, Gauntlets, Boots in Destiny 2?
If you set your sights on obtaining Exotic Hunter armor, you should be prepared to either decrypt engrams and hope for good loot, complete raids and defeat bosses to get armor pieces as drops, or farm Legendary Shards and look for Xur. No matter which avenue you choose, it won’t be a walk in the park. Then again, that’s the idea, because the perks you get for wearing them will make you a more formidable Hunter. Equip the Exotic armor that you find best suits your playstyle, and you’re one step closer to becoming a Guardian of legend. The list of Hunter Exotic armor is below, including info on how to get them for those that we’ve discovered.
Celestial Nighthawk
Type: Exotic Hunter Helmet
Perk: Hawkeye Hack. Modifies Golden Gun to fire a single, high damage shot. Victims killed by the shot explode.
Type: Exotic Hunter Helmet
Perk: Relentless Tracker. Visually marks targeted enemies.
Knucklehead Radar
Type: Exotic Hunter Helmet
Perk: Upgraded Sensor Pack: Provides radar while aiming.
Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves
Type: Exotic Hunter Gauntlet
Perk: Spring-Loaded Mounting. Increases Sidearm ready and reload speed.
Young Ahamkara’s Spine
Type: Exotic Hunter Gauntlet
Perk: Wish-Dragon Teeth. Increases Tripmine Grenade duration and marks enemies damaged by the blast.
The Dragon’s Shadow
Type: Exotic Hunter Chest Armor
Perk: Quicksilver Mail. Grants increased movement and weapon handling speed for a short time after Dodging.
Lucky Raspberry
Type: Exotic Hunter Chest Armor
Perk: Probability Matrix. Increases the chaining capabilities of Arc Bolt Grenade and has a chance to recharge it each time it deals damage.
Raiden Flux
Type: Exotic Hunter Chest Armor
Perk: Synapse Junctions. Quick successive attacks with Arc Staff increase its damage output and duration.
Lucky Pants
Type: Exotic Hunter Leg Armor
Perk: Illegally Modded Holster. Increases Hand Cannon ready speed and initial accuracy.
Orpheus Rig
Type: Exotic Hunter Boots
Perk: Uncanny Arrows. Provides ability energy for each enemy tethered by Shadowshot anchors.
Type: Exotic Hunter Boots
Perk: Hydraulic Booster. Increases sprint speed and slide distance. Improves jump.
If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.