Destiny 2 Eriana's Vow Exotic Hand Cannon - First Shadowkeep Free Exotic
Eriana’s Vow is an exotic weapon in Destiny 2. This hand cannon can be obtained easily if you know where to look – you can even get it if you didn’t buy Shadowkeep, but you’ll need to work for it a bit. It fires piercing bullets and has a scope, which gives it a tremendous range. If you’re wondering how you can get your hands on it, keep reading our Destiny 2 Eriana’s Vow exotic hand cannon guide.

How to get Eriana’s Vow?
If you’ve purchased Shadowkeep, getting Eriana’s Vow is as easy as clicking a few buttons. Open up the seasonal tab in the menu and look at the season pass. The first reward, the one you get at Rank 1, is a premium reward package. Click on it to claim it, and you’ll get the exotic hand cannon, along with a set of seasonal armor and an XP boost.
However, if you’re a New Light player, or simply haven’t bought the new expansion (which comes with the season pass), this package will be unavailable to you. However, there’s still a way to get Eriana’s Vow. The season pass has a free track as well, which is like a consolation prize for poor people. It’ll give you a bunch of useless junk as you progress through the ranks, but when you reach level 35, you’ll get the exotic hand cannon.
So basically, it’s one of the rare exotic’s you’re pretty much guaranteed. If you own the DLC, you’ll get it automatically, and if you don’t, you’ll get it after playing for a while. The Season of the Undying will last until December, so you’ll have plenty of time to rank up, even if you play only occasionally. Let’s be honest, free stuff is the best stuff.
If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.