Destiny 2 Chalice Keycard Location
A number of players are curious about the Destiny 2 Chalice Keycard location, since they come across the Chalice door during the opening mission of the campaign, “First Contact.” Fortunately, it’s not difficult to get the keycard once you know where it is. So, with that said, let’s find out where to find the Chalice Keycard in Lightfall.

Where to Find Chalice Keycard in Destiny 2 Lightfall
To find the Chalice Keycard location in Destiny 2 Lightfall, you just have to play through the “First Contact” mission. Obtaining the keycard is actually one of the steps in the quest, so there’s no way you can miss it. Granted, that comes about ten minutes or so after you find the first door that the Chalice unlocks. Here are the specifics: as you follow the main mission marker during “First Contact,” at one point, Osiris will tell you to sabotage the engines. This happens just as you enter the zone called Astaroth Rex II. The marker will then shift to a doorway leading deeper into the bowels of the ship. It will then switch to the Chalice Keymaker. Kill him and his cohorts and pick up the key.
And there you go, that’s where you find the location of the Chalice Keycard in Destiny 2 Ligthfall. Basically, just follow wherever “First Contact” quest takes you, and you’ll get item with no problem. You can’t miss it, since the mission takes you straight to it. Once you have the keycard, you can then double-back to the first Chalice door you’ve come across and see what lies beyond. I mean, it might be better to finish the mission first and come back in free-roam, but hey, I’m not your mother. Do as you will. If you need more help with the content added in Lightfall, feel free to take a look at some of our other guides, like Lightfall Trials Engrams Not Working and Quicksilver Storm Location.
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