The Bank Job Destiny 2 Witherhoard - Filthy Lucre, Vault Keys
Destiny 2 The Bank Job is a new quest added with the Season of Arrivals, and it revolves around the Witherhoard grenade launcher. You get the quest from Banshee-44, and after that, there’s a long grind ahead of you. In our The Bank Job Destiny 2 Witherhoard – Filthy Lucre, Vault Keys guide, we’re going to give you some tips on how to make the grind at least a little shorter, as well as how to start the quest in the first place.

Destiny 2 Bank Job Witherhoard Quest – How to Start?
To start the Bank Job quest in Destiny 2, you first have to obtain the Witherhoard grenade launcher. The only way to get Witherhoard at the time of writing is via the season pass. Those of you that purchase it will receive the new grenade launcher as soon as you open the Premium Titan / Warlock / Hunter Rewards bundle at the very first level. If, on the other hand, you’re going with the free season pass, you’ll have to grind to level 35.
Once you have the Witherhoard, head back to the tower and talk with Banshee-44. Pick up the Bank Job quest from there, and get ready for a long, arduous grind. The Bank Job is more or less a masterwork quest for the Witherhoard, so it will eventually be worth it. So, let’s get into some details about the mission itself.
How to Complete Destiny 2 First Bank Job Step – How to Get Vault Keys?
To complete the first step of the Bank Job quest in Destiny 2, you have to collect fifty Vault Keys. As the quest description tells you, to get Vault Keys, you need to “defeat combatants with Kinetic or Special Grenade Launchers.” Witherhoard is a Kinetic grenade launcher, so that’s convenient, eh? Also, if you kill enemies in rapid succession, you’ll increase your chances for getting one of the keys.
Now, killing Guardians does not count towards Vault Keys, so you’re looking at events where there will be many enemies that are easy to mow down quickly. You can do Escalation Protocols, the Divine Well, and even the new Contact public event. Another option is the Core Terminus Lost Sector on Mars, in Hellas Basin. There are sections where you can get a bunch of Hive to cluster up for easy, rapid killing. Soon enough, you’ll have your fifty Vault Keys.
How to Get Filthy Lucre in Bank Job in Destiny 2 – How to Complete Second Step?
To get Filthy Lucre and complete the second step of the Destiny 2 Bank Job quest, you have to complete the events that the quest step tells you to – Crucible, Gambit, and Nightfall. You need 300 Filthy Lucre, which is quite a lot, especially because you get, like, one or two per completed activity. That said, those of you that have a paid season pass will get Catalyst Enhancement Alpha at Rank 11 and Catalyst Enhancement Omega at Rank 22, both of which will speed up your progress with all substeps of this part. It’ll still be a long road, though.
The other two substeps require you to get two hundred multikills with a grenade launcher and one hundred grenade launcher Guardian eliminations. So, basically, for the whole quest step, just grind Crucible and / or Gambit with Witherhoard, and you’ll do just fine. Especially considering how the Witherhoard spreads Blight like a true plague, and then chips away on Blighted targets. Just be patient, and happy grinding.
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