Dead Space 3 begins with the Prologue: Beginnings mission and although this is a rather short mission there is an important collectible located here – S.C.A.F. Artifact 01.
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S.C.A.F. Artifact 01
As soon as the game starts you will be instructed to use your computer to guide you to your objective. There will be a blue line showing you the way. What you should do is turn left instead of follow the blue line. You will get to a stone wall and then just follow the wall and you will see the artifact shining in the distance. If you walked out of the snow storm you went too far.
As soon as the game starts …
… it will instruct you to use your computer …
… to show you the path to your objective.
Instead, turn a sharp left.
You will reach a stone wall.
Follow this wall until you see a blip in the distance