Previous chapter had no collectibles whatsoever and now we get to find only one Artifact in Chapter 8: Off the Grid? That’s the way things are people, so you might as well deal with it.
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Luckily that one artifact is not put up on display to be found easily, so here is our screenshot guide to help you.
S.C.A.F. Artifact 10
There is a point in this chapter where you will be going through a pipe and it will break at some point. You will then land near a door that needs a pass key, some enemies will attack you and nearby is a ladder. Use it to get to the artifact.
You will go through a pipe at one point.
It will collapse.
Once you are safe on the ground there will be a door that needs a passkey to the right and a ladder to the left.
Go to the ladder.
Climb it.
Turn left once you climb the ladder and you will see the artifact