Red Tearstone Ring is an item in Dark Souls 3. This is a ring that boosts your attack power when you’re low on health.
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It’s difficult to really make use of it, but once you can dodge reliably, it will become one of your favourite items. This guide will show you how to get Red Tearstone Ring in Dark Souls 3, what it looks like and its stats.
If you’re looking for other rings, be sure to check out our All Ring Locations guide.
Where to find Red Tearstone Ring
Area: Lothric Castle The Closest Bonfire: Dragon Barracks (if Dragonslayer Armour is not dead) or Dragonslayer Armour (if the boss is dead).
There is an entrance with a large arch to the right from the stairs that lead to the Dragonslayer Armour boss. You’ll find a rusted coin and a titanite scale chest inside.
This room also leads to a nearby balcony. The Red Tearstone Ring is on that balcony. You can spot the Dragonslayer Armour bridge in its full glory from here.
Stairs lead to Dragonslayer Armour but we should turn right here.
Exit the room you’ve entered.
Red Tearstone Ring is on the balcony.
Red Tearstone Ring Description & Stats
Description: A ring set with a large rare tearstone jewel. Temporarily boosts attack when HP is low. This stone is said to be a tear of mourning of the goddess Caitha, and of course, tears are always more beautiful near death.
A ring that weighs 1.4 and boosts attacks when HP is low. In order to activate this effect, you’ll have to have less than 20% of your total HP. In previous games, the damage boost provided by this buff was +50%. We’ll presume it hasn’t changed until we can confirm.