Prayer Outfit is a three-piece combination of gear in Dark Souls 3. This gold-hemmed black set is found later on in the game, in Lothric Castle.
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It consists of the Hood of Prayer, Robe of Prayer and Skirt of Prayer. It has great poison and curse resistance. This guide will show you how to get Prayer Armor Set in Dark Souls 3, what it looks like and its stats.
Where to find Prayer Set
Area: Lothric Castle The Closest Bonfire: Lothric Castle
Once the Dancer is dead, a ladder will come down, opening up access to Lothric Castle. Climb the ladder and go straight forward.
If you stay on this path, you’ll come to the first Lothric Castle bonfire soon enough.
You can find a chest in the first room on your right. Inside this chest is the Prayer Armor Set.
If you’re wondering if there is a fitting weapon for this set, the closest answer is Lothric’s Holy Sword. You can get this sword from Ludleth of Courland in Firelink Shrine once you defeat Lothric & Lorian.
Use the Dancer’s ladder to reach Lothric Castle.
Further, past the first Lothric Castle Bonfire is …
… the location of the Prayer Armor Set.
Prayer Set Description & Stats
Description: The prince, destined to be a Lord of Cinder, was cherished by the royal family, despite being born into illness, a frail and shriveled child. His swaddling clothes were made of aged, coarse cloth used in ancient prayer, and are all that he has ever worn.
This outfit is the equivalent of the gold-hemmed black dress from previous games. Its poison resistance allows you to safely run around in toxic waters and not waste Estus. We haven’t tried it out against curse-inflicting enemies, but the stats pretty much guarantee you won’t have to worry about them.