Level requirements for Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City DLC
We are one day away from the launch of the second and final DLC for Dark Souls 3, The Ringed City. Recently, patch 1.11 came out for DS3, in anticipation of the DLC. The launch trailer has also hit the interwebs. But the main question is whether your character is ready for the new adventure? Have you reached level requirements for Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City DLC?

Since nothing should be easy in Dark Souls, it might prove difficult to find the actual entrance to it. The actual location is the area where you fought Soul of Cinder, in the Kiln of the First Flame. If these names don’t mean anything to you, perhaps it is not yet time for you to play the DLC, as there are some indications that you might need to be at least SL 85, however, 100 is recommended. It goes without saying that you should not be playing the DLC if you haven’t finished the base game, of course.
Now, The Ringed City is bringing a host of new weapons, armor, along with locations for SP and MP. In order to help you in your quest, you might be interested in obtaining some flashy new equipment. The Ringed Knight armor looks awesomely bad-ass, while you can sport a pair of Ringed Knight Greatswords, one for each hand. Enough to get the blood flowing!
This being the final DLC for Dark Souls 3, the question remains what is next for From Software and Hidetaka Miyazaki. It has been confirmed that the company is working on three new games. There are also rumors of Demon Souls getting a remastered version, which would actually make sense, as it was the game that started it all, and is only available on PS3. Miyazaki himself confirmed that this is it for Dark Souls, but no one mentioned Bloodborne. Whatever he and his team do in the future, his fans will surely be waiting with baited breath.