Hunter’s Ring is an attribute ring in Dark Souls 3. This is a dexterity ring, which means it increases the dexterity attribute by 5 points.
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You can collect it later on in the game, which makes the significance of the increase questionable. This guide will show you how to obtain Hunter’s Ring in Dark Souls 3.
Area: Lothric Castle The Closest Bonfire: Grand Archives
To reach Lothric Castle, you have to defeat Dancer of the Boreal Valley first. Once the Dancer is defeated, you can use the ladder to climb to the upper floor and head to the castle.
To reach the Grand Archives bonfire, you have to defeat Dragonslayer Armour.
To enter the building right in front of the Grand Archives bonfire, you have to defeat three cinder lords – Yhorm, Abyss Watchers and Aldrich.
Once you’ve finished all these, enter the Grand Archives building next to the bonfire of the same name. Now you have to find the exit.
As you leave the Grand Archives, pass the small yard with the statue and enter the small room with lots of candles (where the elevator that takes you to the bonfire is).
Turn left as soon as you leave this small candle room with the elevator shortcut. If you don’t, you’ll end up on the long stairway leading toward the Lothric boss fight. You want to turn left and follow the path toward the highest point of this area. There is a small ladder that will take you to the highest approachable spot, where the Hunter’s Ring is.
Enter the Grand Archives.
Leave the Grand Archives to find a small “candle” room.
As you leave the “candle” room turn left.
The Hunter’s Ring is at the highest reachable spot in the area.
Hunter’s Ring Description
Description: Ring engraved with a portrait of a hunter. Increases dexterity. The hunters server Lothric on the fringes and in the shadows. For generations, rulers of Lothric have relied especially upon the Black Hand hunters to punish enemies in ways that the king’s Three Pillars cannot.