Eastern Armor Set is one of the outfits that can be found Dark Souls 3. It is identical to the armor worn by Shiva of The East.
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To acquire this armor set, you have to find and give certain ashes to the handmaid lady in Firelink Shrine. You’ll then be able to buy the armor from her for a total price of 23,000 souls (5,000 head; 8,000 armor; 5,000 hands; 5,000 leggings). This guide will show you how to get Eastern Armor Set in Dark Souls 3, what it looks like and its stats.
Where to find Eastern Armor Set
Area: Irithyll of the Boreal Valley The Closest Bonfire: Pontiff Sulyvahn
First of all, you’ll need Easterner’s Ashes. You can find this item on the path between the Pontiff Sulyvahn and Anor Londo bonfires. This means you have to defeat Pontiff Sulyvahn boss in order to even enter this area.
Once you are in the area after the Pontiff, you have to walk up the narrow rooftops. Look below the first of these “bridges”. There should be an item on a small platform – Easterner’s Ashes. For this and all other ashes please check out our Umbral Ashes Locations Guide.
Take the ashes to the Handmaid in Firelink Shrine. Shortly after, she will put the Eastern Armor Set up for sale.
Collect Easterner’s Ashes.
Give Easterner’s Ashes to Shrine Handmaid and buy the Eastern Armor Set.
Eastern Armor Set Description & Stats
Description: Distinctive set made in an Eastern land. The exquisite craftsmanship and artistic design made these prized pieces in the collection of any nobleman. Offers excellent damage absorption, particularly from slashing attacks from katanas, which are commonly encountered threats in battles fought in the East.
The set has pretty good bleeding resistance, but apart from that, it is quite mediocre. It’s great if you want to cosplay as a warrior from the East. To complete the costume, you only need a katana, like the Chaos Blade or Uchigatana.